The Guardian Lumos Article

Aug 10, 2006 01:43

A recent post from
auctasinistra led me to an article in the The Observer.

For the fen on my list, I highly recommend reading this if your blood pressure is too low. It is guaranteed to raise it!

I posted the following comment on Aucta's LJ, and wanted to repeat it here, but I am cutting for those who've had too much angst today.

I just read this article, and I can't figure out what offends me more: the condescending let's-humor-the-misfits attitude, or the deliberate eschewing of anything intellectual. The misunderstanding of slash isn't a big surprise, after years of having people mock romance and manga, but her implication that fanfic writers are the equivalent of child molesters surely offends someone other than us!

I appreciate that she thinks that being a woman is about "fitting in," and she's trying to fit in with her crowd of fashion-forward, thought-backward friends, but this is the wrong audience. The women at a con, it seems to me, are unafraid of standing out, but are willing to express their own opinions, thoughts, and ideas that are uncommon. They are about standing out, not fitting in, no matter what that "reporter" thinks.

I'd quote, "To thine own self be true," but she probably didn't read that, either.  Of course, maybe she saw it on a tee-shirt once.

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