Jun 28, 2005 15:13
I just got back from the gay eye doctor. I ordered my contacts.. guess how much they freaking were?!?! $678.00 aint that some shit? Yeah well once we went up there to pay the lady was like "Wow, thats alotta money.." and she looked for like another brand that would be cheaper then those, and we found some but they're $300.00 Which is a better, I suppose. My dad was still pissed though.. oh well. & you know what else sucks? I CANT get colored ones. When the guy was giving me my little check up thing I was like "so um the lady told me to ask you about colored ones.." and he started laughing and was like.. "no" and he kept laughing.. and I thought he was joking so ya know I start laughing with him.. and I stopped n i'm like "your joking right?" and he's like "no seriously, your eyes are horrible and your left eye has a really bad stigmatism" So then I felt dumb cause I was laughing with him lol then I was pissed though and like was slammin my purse on the ground n shit lol then we paid and left.. and the whole way home my dad was bitchin.. oh well though.