01.Gray (WC)
02.Action/Adventure (WC)
03.First (WC)
04.Coming Home (WC)
05.Happy (WC)
06.Once Upon a Time (WC)
07.Quote (WC)
08.First Line (WC)
09.Song (WC)
10.The Great Escape (WC)
It always helps me when I sketch out ideas in words rather than staring blankly at a prompt. Sometimes I see connections as I'm going along or I'll get something new jumping out when I read my ideas again in a different frame of mind.
Grey sea or sky? Mercury (element or planet)? Shades of Gray (Monkees song)?
Probably tales of the days the main character in my novel spent as an adventurous aviatrix (I love that word) in the 1930s. Something based on the exploits of Amy Johnson or Amelia Earhart or someone from my book of Women Travellers. So I know exactly where to get ideas, but have nothing more specific in mind yet.
First flight, or first solo flight, for my female flyer. Possibly.
Coming Home
My flyer returns home to England after escaping the German occupied Channel Islands.
no thoughts yet
Once Upon a Time
Fairytales or Greek myths and legends. Persephone? Pandora?
“To destroy is still the strongest instinct in nature.” - Max Beerbohm
Druction => war? the Blitz?
=> emotional destruction that three people living on top of each other for months on end can inflict on each other?
“[name] shivered, pulling [his/her] jacket tighter around [him/her] and digging [his/her] numb hands under [his/her] arms.”
Not sure. Could be Erica (my aviatrix), could be Conrad (German flyer who's her friend) or Bernhardt (Conrad's father and possibly Erica's lover). I'd have to know what I wanted the rest of the story to be about before I could choose which one of those it is.
Rolling in the Deep
I wasn't sure when I first read the prompt but after having it on loop with my other Adele songs (Rumour Has It, Lovesong and Someone Like You) I keep thinking of the love affair between Erica and Bernhardt that I've been toying with since the middle of November but haven't written anything in depth for yet (yes, my nano characters are still eating up my brain five months later!).
The Great Escape
Could be my flying escaping the island or could apply to a story I wrote after I'd signed up for writerverse but hadn't started participating about a woman who works in a beauty salon and gets to escape once a week for dining in posh restaurants and dancing with her rich friend.