My word count is a little on the low side today but that's all right. I've had a rough time of it lately and have come over to my Mum's for the weekend to talk over the troubles I've having and also to get away from my nightmare housemate for a bit. I had a cheering up last night seeing the folk band Jack's Rake, which has one of my old teachers and used to have another one in who has left recently to concentrate on his family. Last night another one of my teachers - my old form tutor no less! - doing the sound. I did not recognise him at first and felt bad about that until Mum admitted over dinner that she hadn't recognised him at all, and then I felt a little less bad!
I've been up to my dad's house today to talk about things with him and my stepmum. They agree that the important thing is to find somewhere that I can afford as soon as I can. If it's unfurnished, they'll help me furnish it. The important thing is getting out of the situation I'm in.
That's all for now. I'm going to take advantage of being sleepy before midnight and take tomorrow as it comes. I have two phone calls to make about one bedroom houses. Then it's coffee and a book as a reward.