(no subject)

Apr 20, 2006 05:56

//Locked against Angel and Faith - NO TRESPASSTING!//

I dun liek Faith and Angel no more. Virst Unkel Angel dunt ever notise us, liek we's air, and now he's a liek me. A kid. *And* he's bein meen.

I's only seven and ish not my foult I dont rite so well. But Aunty Faith kept kalling me a ratarts. Liek is my fault se gots some kinda super brain and kan do rite at her age, or wat se supposered to be. Daddy saids not to liesten to her, cause Aunty Faith is liek not so klever herself, and he sais tems are her words, not his. And tat I'm liek his speshul girl and Im not stupid. Hah!

And now they's also steeling *my* Aunty Willow and *my* Unkle Lindsey away. And now tey's making vun of the leetle ting I had for Unkel Spiek, wo is *so* not pretty. But like reelly meen! 'nd everybodie lieks tem and nowan lieks Me! Me! Me! Marilee and me no mores.

I hate tem! I HATE TEMS!


Dad's also moody, mumbelins under his breeth about liquin-langqua-- been a translatored and nowsing leike a 1000000 langages and watever, but heeven vorbid anywan ask him vor help. And watever more.

'Least Aunty Buffy is back. And Dawn. I liek Dawn. Hope se never has to watsh them too.


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