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. says: (6:10:26 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:10:57 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:11:04 PM)
why get online.
. says: (6:12:21 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:12:41 PM)
. says: (6:13:29 PM)
you're a lesbo
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:13:37 PM)
and you're gay.
Sophia -- Happy Canada Day has been added to the conversation.
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:14:29 PM)
suck my left one.
Sophia -- Happy Canada Day says: (6:14:38 PM)
. says: (6:14:47 PM)
get a vagina
Sophia -- Happy Canada Day says: (6:14:51 PM)
brb laundry
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:14:55 PM)
it's a bikini kill song.
slip...slip......slip..... has been added to the conversation.
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:15:09 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:15:35 PM)
im getting a crap load of money soon.
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:15:37 PM)
. says: (6:15:45 PM)
i have to fly soon
. says: (6:15:48 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:15:49 PM)
within the next 2 weeks.
. says: (6:15:53 PM)
san francisco pride was fantastic.
. says: (6:15:58 PM)
i also bought 6 pairs of shoes
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:16:10 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:16:13 PM)
that is gay.
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:16:19 PM)
im going to toronto.
. says: (6:16:26 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:16:35 PM)
be excited bitch.
. says: (6:16:45 PM)
yedah ok
. says: (6:16:49 PM)
i have to pack
. says: (6:16:59 PM)
i hope my bag doesnt explode from all the shoes i bought
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:17:01 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:17:06 PM)
stop being gay.
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:17:10 PM)
good grief.
. says: (6:17:12 PM)
stop being a phylicia
. says: (6:17:15 PM)
good justin
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:17:31 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:17:41 PM)
i wish you millions of justins.
. says: (6:18:01 PM)
i wish you millions of justins inside chad
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:18:07 PM)
may your next conquest be as fat as justin.
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:18:25 PM)
and pimply.
. says: (6:18:29 PM)
shut up you dumb danny
. says: (6:18:33 PM)
i have to poo
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:18:51 PM)
im surprised it doesnt fall right out.
. says: (6:22:49 PM)
now you're being a dumbass
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:23:25 PM)
i believe your face is the dumbass.
. says: (6:23:40 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:24:32 PM)
i wish i had a hammer to kick you out of chat.
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:24:49 PM)
and nicole bc she never says anything.
. says: (6:25:33 PM)
Sophia -- Happy Canada Day says: (6:25:42 PM)
John, where are you going to next?
. says: (6:26:33 PM)
up alicia's ass
Sophia -- Happy Canada Day says: (6:26:41 PM)
stop fighting homos
. says: (6:26:42 PM)
to see wtf is up her self righteous ass
. says: (6:26:51 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:26:56 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:27:00 PM)
Sophia -- Happy Canada Day says: (6:27:03 PM)
slip...slip......slip..... says: (6:30:12 PM)
i can't find my eyedrops :@
. says: (6:30:25 PM)
maybe they're up phylicia's ass
Sophia -- Happy Canada Day says: (6:30:41 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:30:45 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:30:56 PM)
Sophia -- Happy Canada Day says: (6:31:04 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:31:15 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:31:27 PM)
my boob is vibrating.
slip...slip......slip..... says: (6:31:31 PM)
:( how do they just disappear
Sophia -- Happy Canada Day says: (6:31:33 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:31:46 PM)
maybe someone stole them?
. says: (6:31:57 PM)
i want to pay bills but the stupid website wont let me
. says: (6:33:09 PM)
i have to smoke
. says: (6:33:10 PM)
slip...slip......slip..... says: (6:33:17 PM)
. says: (6:33:17 PM)
and maybe fuck this boy before i go
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:33:42 PM)
Sophia -- Happy Canada Day says: (6:33:56 PM)
nicole, look around
slip...slip......slip..... says: (6:36:34 PM)
i was
slip...slip......slip..... says: (6:36:37 PM)
i found one bottle but not the other
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:38:23 PM)
slip...slip......slip..... says: (6:38:55 PM)
john's a whore
. says: (6:39:12 PM)
. says: (6:39:14 PM)
loose is justi
. says: (6:39:15 PM)
. says: (6:39:32 PM)
and YOU
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:39:42 PM)
. says: (6:39:47 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:40:04 PM)
slip...slip......slip..... says: (6:40:12 PM)
haha alicia tight?
slip...slip......slip..... says: (6:40:13 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:40:32 PM)
believe it!
. says: (6:41:25 PM)
. says: (6:41:26 PM)
. says: (6:41:32 PM)
thats like saying that justin is skinny
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:42:04 PM)
. says: (6:42:10 PM)
uh huh
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:42:13 PM)
. says: (6:42:27 PM)
whatever you say
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:42:39 PM)
are you tight?
. says: (6:42:54 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:42:59 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:43:11 PM)
whatever you say
. says: (6:43:21 PM)
well, a lot of people say that.
. says: (6:43:21 PM)
. says: (6:43:25 PM)
its not just me
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:43:44 PM)
im pretty sure you're just as loose as the change in my pocket.
. says: (6:44:27 PM)
you have change in your pocket?
Sophia -- Happy Canada Day says: (6:44:29 PM)
i'll be back, i have to wak the dog. brb
. says: (6:45:00 PM)
i thought you were too poor
. says: (6:45:03 PM)
NARAL National can blow me. says: (6:45:18 PM)
i said change--not bills.
. says: (6:45:42 PM)
. says: (6:45:54 PM)
i thought you had no money.
. says: (6:45:55 PM)
. says: (6:46:03 PM)
oh of course
. says: (6:46:04 PM)
i forget
. says: (6:46:12 PM)
the few pennies you made from prostitution
. says: (6:48:19 PM)
i have to go pack
. says: (6:48:21 PM)
hahaha! Real update soon to come.