(no subject)

Dec 11, 2007 22:15

Yes, I am drinking Pomegranate Wine, eating a roasted Sweet Potato and Christmas Sour Patch kids (which consists of only the red and green ones), while watching "the Office"... did you even have to ask? So that's it, the bulk of events, commitments and events that I've been either dreading or less enthusiastic about are over. Now I have things to look forward to, all that I've knowingly volunteered for and all on my own will. Although, I am a bit nervous if my writing teacher is going to rip me a new one on my term evaluation, but I can't control that now (I could've if I've turned in damned good pages last week, but we'll have see/hear what the verdict is). Oh well... it'll all be over some beers or something so it should go over a bit better right?

I feel good right now, light, unfettered... that could be the Pomegranate Wine... or the Christmas Sour Patch kids, and maybe even the Sweet Potato (I doubt it).... but knowing that I'm pretty much done for the term, and moreover another year sort of feels good. Usually I'd be depressed or feel unsatisfied at this time of the year, but I've haven't gotten that buzzed yet so I'm not into that stupor of thought. Plus, I got an cutest invitation to a Caroling Party in the mail and it made my day because it was so cute.

Now that things are slowing down a bit, I could put more thought into presents for friends and family, and although I'm not so abundant on the funds at the moment, I like shopping and buying gifts for the ones I love.

I've been going to the gym, and warming up on the treadmill. It's sort of sad how out of shape I am. But hopefully by the new year I'll be more fit. That's my goal before the end of the year, and my goal for the new year is to continue (pretty easy right)?

Okay, I'm too distracted by "the Office" right now... "the Office" takes priority... of everything apparently.
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