Another milestone...

Nov 09, 2007 00:01

Tonight I took laconizein out and fed him pizza. If you like chillies I can recommend the Romana Etna at Pizza Express. Yum.

Afterwards, whilst sitting in the Balcony Bar at Piccadilly station waiting for our respective trains, I realised, that I'd passed another milestone. That being tonight was the first time out in a social situation wearing a bra.

I also had a slightly surreal experience going to the loo there. The loos are off a corridor, the gents to the left and the ladies to the right. Now it's probably about 3 years since I've used the bar loos and I couldn't remember which door was to which loo, so as I approach the door to the gents I'm naturally looking for the signs on the door., just as I get there a bloke opens the door, and gives me a look and immediately looks at the door on the opposite side of the corridor. He seemed to be relived when I looked that way and opened that door. It seemed to be a "WTF, you can't come in here - it's the Gents" moment.

Coming out of the ladies, just as I'm opening the door a girl was just about to open it and it was almost a "palm meet face" moment. She rapidly apologised, and walked past without even a second glance.

I think tonight rates as a good evening.

EDIT: not even any hassle from the huge crowd of young teens that we were in the middle of whilst walking back to Piccadilly station.



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