
Apr 14, 2007 20:31

I've been feeling a bit "blah" today. Although I did get a few things done. Got the new ceiling light fitted in the bathroom. The b/f (shinydan) knows the saga, but briefly, antique brass effect seems to be currently out of fashion - most things are silver or white. Eventually got the replacement eyeball spot from B&Q in Stockport. While fitting it discovered why the lamp holder in the old one had started to crumble; the fitting had been covered by the loft insulation. This is so very not recommended due to heat build up from 100W spot lamps. I therefore had to go into the loft to sort it out. Job duly done I had to have a shower because:
  1. the loft is very dirty (there's over a century of grime up there)
  2. it's probably wise to wear more than a pair of knickers when crawling around in the loft.
  3. it was rather sweaty up there even at 10AM
Then played a bit of Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna whilst my hair was drying and a load of washing was doing.

Washing suitably pegged out, I disappeared off to do the shopping, wandered through M&S where I saw a few nice skirts, but not nice enough to persuade me to part with £45 for one. None of the other clothes shops managed to have anything that appealed either. Maybe I'm shopped out at the moment. A quick wander round the food shops provided the wherewithal to make dinner and curry to freeze.

On return home bunged another load of washing in, with finished and was pegged out with just enough time to get to the pub before the start of the Grand National.

Watched that while being blathered at by a very drunk postman. Fortunately he is a good friend, but he'd had far more than was sensible. A year ago I'd probably have been in the same state.

Unusually for me I stayed to watch the footie (I'm not a great fan). During the match I realised what would have made it perfect, that being snuggled up with Dan while watching the game.

Memo: 5 pints of lime and soda is a lot of fluid, and the ladies loo obstinately remains extremely pink...

Now, I always used to find the ogling of passing girls, by the blokes in the pub a bit of a irritation. Now however, I'm beginning to find such behaviour boorish and unacceptable. But what to do about it? I suppose at the end of the there isn't anything I can do really.

So that folks was my Saturday. All that's left is to have my dinner, and catch up with email and Cix.


home, gender, people

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