Pic Spam (38 of them!)

Sep 12, 2012 09:18

Looking towards tower
from Chancel
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Lady Chapel Window
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1888 Clock Mechanism
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Carving Bell Chamber
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Bell Re-cast 1911
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View Towards Davenham
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View Over Town Centre
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Tower Top
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View Eastwards
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Church Roofs
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Mason's Mark
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Looking Towards Apse
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South Aisle
Towards Lady Chapel
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Carved Face
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Carved Faces
South Arcade
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Carved Face
South Arcade
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Carved Face
South Arcade
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Carved Face
South Arcade
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Original Pulpit location?
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Orphaned Doorway
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'Smiley' Ceiling Boss
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1734 Graffiti
Lady Chapel
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Salt Basket Ceiling Boss
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Green Man Ceiling Boss
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Stained Glass, Apse
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Stained Glass, Apse
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North Aisle Ceiling
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Face Boss, Nave Ceiling
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Face Boss, Nave Ceiling
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Face Boss, Nave Ceiling
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Face Boss, Nave Ceiling
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Carved Names,
South Aisle Ceiling
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Carving, South Aisle
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Carving, South Porch
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Towering over Cemetery
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places:northwich:st. helen's church, places:northwich, photography

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