T-1 and the counting is almost over...

Nov 30, 2006 19:40

After much thought and starting off with the three page “getting thoughts in order” missive. I’ve ended up with the following text. This and a somewhat more detailed one, were discussed with Susan in HR. This one being preferred as it is not too detailed or personal.

Before the deed is done tomorrow we’ve decided it is wise to have a quick meeting to determine the release strategy. [Hang on that reads like we are about to release a new product. :-O]

An additional bit of information has drifted my way. It turns out that this has recently happened another local company, so there is the possibility of a bit of inter-company information pooling and support.

Anyway, the announcement:

Some of you already know what I am about to say in this email, I will point out that this is not the whole story by a long shot, as some of this is too personal to talk about in this way. However, if, after reading this, you have questions please ask, but I may choose not to answer them if they are too personal.

For a long time I had been aware that there was something wrong, but not what it was. It was only something that was said, earlier this year, in casual conversation that triggered a "light-bulb" moment. It was a few weeks later after much contemplation, I realised that a lot of my feelings and desires throughout my life now made a great deal of sense. I now know who and what I am and where I want to go in a life that now has goals and meaning.

I have discussed my feelings and realisations with friends and most members of my family. It is now time, I believe, to come out into the open at work and to tell you all that on 1st November this year in line with my needs and desires, I changed my name by Statutory Declaration1 from Alan Paul Chapman to Alice Philippa Chapman.

The reason for this change is that I am gender dysphoric2, or as it is more commonly known, transgendered. At present I am on the NHS waiting list to be seen by the counsellors at Eaton House Clinic. I am not going to go into details here about how dysphoria is diagnosed and treated3, as that is a subject too large for this email.

What happens now? As far as work is concerned, little at present, other than that I no longer wish to be known as Alan in the office but, as I am known elsewhere, Alice.


1 A Statutory Declaration is a formal means of changing ones name; it is not what is commonly referred to as a Deed Poll. Further details can be found here: http://publish.lawontheweb.co.uk/basics/changeofname1.htm
2 There are many sites out there which are suitable sources of information on gender dysphoria, such as: http://www.gendertrust.org.uk/ and http://www.beaumontsociety.org.uk/
3 The following document outlines what is typical of the treatment protocol under the NHS: http://www.porterbrookclinic.org.uk/publicdocs/Protocol%20-%20Porterbrook%20july2002.doc
and the internationally recognised standards of care are produced by the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association: http://www.hbigda.org/Documents2/socv6.pdf


gender, work

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