Manc meet.

Nov 19, 2006 00:14

It was in your humble servants opinion a good meet. It was great to see so many there, especially those who'd travelled a long way to get there.

Many photographs were taken, and I'm sure the takers will make some of them available in due course. Must drink was drunk, food was eaten, chocolate was consumed, hippos buggered (no hedgehogs..), and pool played.

Did have a minor odd moment, purely related to the loo. I've been using the gents all of my life and today for the first time it just felt so totally wrong. Must be time to move on and leave another piece of my past in the past.

The only downside to the meet was leaving. :(

So when's the next one?

Two things spoilt the day for me, both post meet. the first was discovering I had left my hat in the pub.

The second which has left me a little shaken, was a few (probably very pissed) youths outside the Greenbank Hotel, (a pub next to the station I get off the train) one of whom decided that I was an appropriate target for the contents of his beer glass. Fortunately, he missed. A glance back showed that he'd hit a table with it. One of his mates then tried to sneak up on me and grab my bag. This I spotted before he got close - aren't shadows from streetlights good. As he tried to grab my bag I swung round at him - he legged it followed by as string of abuse from me. Even though I came out of this physically unscathed it has left me a little shaken, and mightily pissed off. :(

Why do drunken louts think it is fun to abuse those who are different to them?

Anyway I have coffee!


afpmeet, gender

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