
Dec 12, 2010 17:54

In 2004 a footbridge (built in 1888) providing a convenient link and walking route across the Weaver navigation was closed as it was deemed to be no longer safe. It was estimated that there were roughly 1000 crossings per day (Northwich population in 2001 census 19,259). For several years there was much wrangling between British Waterways and the council as to who was responsible for the maintenance and replacement happened. Then, as the bridge also forms a link on National Cycle Route 5 Sustrans became involved and replacement of the bridge became one of the projects put forwards for the Connect 2 scheme. Happily, it was adopted and Lottery funding was made available. Work started early this year and on December 3rd the new bridge was opened.

As always click to embiggen.

Approaching from
Hunts Locks

Approaching from
The Crescent

Approaching from
The Crescent

Closer view of
corner of main support

More main support detail

More main support detail

Looking North

Looking South

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