No work for me today...

Sep 22, 2006 19:35

Had a day off from work today. Well supposedly, have dealt with a few support issues, as I always seem to do...

Decided to go into Chester for a wander round the shops, as there were a few bits and bobs that I needed that are easier to get there. Hmm, no so much easier, but there is more choice.

A skirt was the order of the day, I seem to only wear trousers to work now, so things are progressing slowly in the right direction as far as I'm concerned. I will admit that DWCon2006 did give a bit boost to the confidence, but that is bye-the-bye.

Got to Chester a bit early for most of the shops. Why do a lot of shops seem to open at 9:30 these days? Anyway, wandered into Waterstones had a browse round, not with the intention of buying anything, but ended up with a cookery book (Nigella Lawson - Forever Summer) and Wintersmith. Also went into HMV and picked up CDs by Rory Gallagher, Ritchie Blackmore and Dr John.

It now getting on towards 10, it was, I felt time for coffee... So, as I sat drinking my latte (in Café Nero), I made the mistake of opening Wintersmith... I'm sure the 'suits' opposite me (having a business meeting) thought I was mad. It seems semi-stifled giggles do that. It was Shades of the Con over again. :)

After a long pause, "'ere my coffee's gone cold." trawled round the other shops I needed to go (bar one), and picked up a new pie-dish, salt crock, lilac valanced sheet, a new set of cutlery to replace the old day to day bitsa stuff, cheese (Keens Cheddar "It's got a bit of blue in it. Is that ok?" "Excellent."), Cotswold Blue Brie, and Stinking Bishop), meat (kudu steaks and lamb burgers). Ended up back at Café Nero, were I continued to read Wintersmith.

Funnily enough, my coffee for some bizarre reason went cold again. After that went down to Richer Sounds to get a set of bookshelf speakers for the bedroom hi-fi, and ended up with a pair of Mission M2SS for £50. They sound good enough (admittedly bass light, but clean mid and top end) for the bedroom. I wasn't expecting a powerful bass, after all, they do only have 4" drivers.

In my trawling round the shops, I forgot to go the the hardware shop in the market for a proper galvanised mop bucket - can't be doing with these plastic things.

Got back to deal with yet more support queries from work. Bah.

I did only acquire the occasional odd look today, which is good. Also directed at me from behind, whilst I was perusing things in a shop a "Can I help you miss?".

So all told a good day, leaving me tired and happy. But now, pub for a natter (still no booze , I'll have a J2O please), then chineefoo I think.


shops, gender, work

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