But I didn't mean to do that!

Mar 22, 2008 21:13

I woke up this morning at a rather earlier than planned time, but that wasn't really surprising as I'd had 33 hours sleep in 3 nights. After a bit of pottering around and a breakfast of a boiled egg and toast soldiers I decided that as the weather was forecast sun and snow showers to make use of my season ticket and head off into the Peak District. I therefore caught the 11:30 train off Greenbank and changed at Manchester Piccadilly for the Sheffield stopper. Now, technically my ticket is not actually valid for the stopper, as it isn't routed through Stockport, but the train conductors on the route are happy enough to accept it.

I got off at Hope, and just intended to do a lowish level stretch the legs type walk. To this end I just wore a pair of walking shoes. This turned out to be a mistake, it was not the first mistake of the day, that was leaving my map at home. Some days I'm not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. I ought to note that I didn't actually stick anything to eat or drink in my bag either.

From Hope Station I walked into, and through Castleton, only stopping to use the loo, it was too full of tourists to hang about. I continued up the old Mam Tor road as far as Treak Cliff Cavern where I took the path over to Blue John. It was as I was going over to Blue John that the first of the snow squalls hit.

On reaching Blue John, I did consider just walking along the road and over Mam Nick to Edale, but Not for long. Instead I decided to walk over Hollin's Cross. This involved dropping down the old road a bit and the taking a path up through rough pasture to the pass. Whilst ascending to Hollin's Cross The snow really closed in for a while. By the time I arrived at the top the weather had cleared again. However, it didn't stay clear for long, and for a lot of the descent the visibility was, to say the least, poor.

Even though, there were quite a few horrendously boggy areas, I had done well, and avoided getting my feet wet. It was walking down a farm track and passing a barn that disaster struck… No, I didn't slip and end up sitting in a puddle. I did, however, have no option but to walk through a pool of slurry from a barn. This unfortunately was at one point somewhat more than ankle deep. So, yes, I got a shoe full of cow muck.

So, as I sit here in the Rambler in Edale, there is the odd whiff cow muck reaching my nostrils from a rather gunky sock - my shoes are in the porch... I'd like to sit next to the coal fire, but I really don't dare. :)

Whilst I wait here for the train back to Manchester, I have partaken of a rather good Sage Derby and chutney sandwich, and side salad with a yummy balsamic dressing.

As an afterthought, why are (some) men so disgusting?

I did manage to take a few piccies, so for your delectation:

The Winnats Pass
The remains of the old road

The old road, not a geological formation
Castleton and the cement works



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