Friday, June 25th 9:33 AM

Jun 25, 2004 09:33

Why, one might ask, is Kelly awake and posting on live journal at 9:33 IN THE MORNING. Here is the simple, horrible truth. Angee called my aunt at 6:30 this morning to tell her she was sick and wasn't coming in to work today so guess who got to come in early instead? That's right, ME!!! So here I was looking forward to a short Friday of work, and instead I have to come in at 8:30 instead of 11. Does anyone know how sucky that is? Not that the work is hard, as I've said before, but really now, who can possibly FUNCTION this early? Certainly not moi. Anyway, enough with that rant. I'm here, at work, so I might as well shut up and surf the net.

For some reason it just hit me that summer will be over relatively soon. Some people will disagree with that statement, but here's what the rest of my summer looks like:

June 25th-July 15th: WORK
July 16th-July 23rd: CARMEL
July 24th-August 6th: DISNEYLAND!!!! (not the whole time obviously, although I would LOVE that, but that is the only thing I'm doing in that time)
August 7th-August 15th (right?): Houseboat on Lake Shasta with Ryan's family, woowoo!

And then school starts not long after that if I'm not mistaken. So I guess that's why I feel like summer is almost over.

Ok, so a lot of things just happened and now I forgot what I was going to write about. Damn people calling in, what do they think I am, a receptionist or something? Lol. (I hope you all know I'm just kidding...I am getting paid to answer the phones). So yeah, it sucks that summer is almost over, because I was just starting to like not being in school. A change of scenery is good every once in a while. Plus I need to find a job when I get back to school and I am NOT looking forward to that at all. If you know anyplace in Rohnert Park where I can work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays, let me know. Other than that, I'm outtie.
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