Oct 04, 2005 21:51
So I realize this is pretty much only a shout out to URI people but I want to see the following movies:
1. Serenity again, maybe next Tuesday for $5.50 or something. Kayla, you're seeing it. It's fucking amazing. I am now a converted sci fi fan, without fault, asnd without faltering. I am one for good. Never have I CLAPPED and laughed out loud so much in a theatre before. Oh man, you guys should have seen it. Ten o clock showing somewhere near Albany New York and the theatre was FULL of Firefly fans. This means there was many men there with long hair. This means Ashley didn't have to buy candy for she was already feasting upon it with her eyes....
2. Domino Harvey, Bounty Hunter comes out Oct 14. I don't have to see it THEN but it looks amazing and I'm certainly looking forward to seeing Kieria Knightly at her most bitchiest and hard core. Not to mention there's a huge scene where she kicks a girl's ass whilst in her underwear. I suspect this movie will be well appreciated in the Northampton region. *winks*
3. Dare I see Saw 2 in a few weeks even though I'm still having nightmares about the ORIGINAL and I saw it exactly one year ago?!?!?!?
4. Chronicles of Narnia comes out Dec. 9 and that is being seen sometimes during Christmas break. Preferably with the peeps.
I think that's it.
Just saw Corpse Bride with Amy. It was discount night at Enty's. Pretty good, really cute, cutely short. Only hearing Johnny Depp's voice come out of a skinny, morbid looking protagonist made me become MORE attracted to him.
Oh, would somebody PLEASE try and ANALYZE me to find out why I find the weirdest thing/people attractive.
I've fallen into a bit of a routine here in Collegeville, with Monday afternoons being me and the Pharm-ah-cee community knocking out our Chem Lab pain, and Monday NIGHTS being Whose Line followed by Family Guy.
I'm off to do teh French homework for tomorrow. I also want to be out of bed for seven for my 8 o clock bio lab. Yes, yes I know it sucks. Bio Lab, French, Chem, Bio Lecture. Ya, uh huh. That's my day. No breaks in between just a constant truckage.Mhm.
It's ok.
I love Amy, even though she probably has mono from her boyfriend. I like my roomate.