5 6 7 8 9....10 countdown to the end

Dec 11, 2007 11:20

So I have been busy, yep but still counting and that is all that should matter.  I am totally EasternTimed now.  I have my entire body confused.  I get up before everybody, eat at 11 or even 10:30 if I can find a place, then the rest of the day follows suit until I find myself getting sleepy way too early for my scedule.
This plan of mine seems to be working okay, but for Heaven's sake People!  Will it totally wear me out in the process.
Run run run run...etc.  Fun sometimes and zoning out of the day to day world crap to venture out and find there is a flood in Washington State covering an Intersate, Ice in the Midwest crippling the area, and oh my gosh 80 degrees in my back yard.  Those flowers look great but in time they will be finding someplace to hide.  I have blown leaves until the dust has provided me with a permanent tan.
Investing in my future and it is 11 and counting down.  
Whoops trash day tomorrow, on my out the door.
No political statement, keeping it  to myself until later.  Funny how trash and politics seem to be side by side in my brain.
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