The First of the Last

Dec 01, 2007 10:15

Lovely day, absolutely lovely.  December 1 marks a birthday for someone very special.  Here we have a traditionalist whose expectations of celebrations always exceeds anyones ability to match.  I gave up years ago on competing for the top prize but I still love him and hope he has a great day.  I will do my part in participating to see that something different is offered as usual.

As for the past week.  Tahdah.  That is about it.  Note that once again, someone made a big deal out of nothing, taking a snippit of my life, using that one tiny section of knowledge and is now doing her normal twist of taking a fact and stretching it to unlimited bounds of gossip and disgusting rumors which, as normal in her case are always spit out to elevate her and put me in a pit of heathens.

No, I did not tell her anything, my darling Mother did.  In fact, could not obviously wait 30 minutes to get a rumor started.
What did I do to generate this?  I got in my car, drove to a lab to provide a testing facility with whatever sampling they need to perform a employer/employee PRE-Hire test.   Actually I have never done this before and was amused at the idea.  People tell me this in normal now for pre-employment, even on part time jobs. Oh well, not a biggy for me, but for my beloved family this appears to have sent up a red flag that I am a full blown drug addict.  haahhahaahahha.  Yep, on the heals of the "bouncing checks because she is out of work" rumor, I now have "she is looking for job and can not find one because she is on drugs or worse" and for the record here....of my current 3 jobs, this is the only company that has this rule.
I only imagine if I am caught walking down the street (of course on my way to visit a freind or go to the local store) I will add to that list of  ''''''OH MY GOSH, can you  BELIEVE?!?!?!''''''''' rumors that I am now a Street Walker (or better said a Prostitute)
I wish people would find something to amuse themselves other than spending their waking  minute eyeballing me under a microscope.
Focus on my talents, applaud my tenacity and energetic drive to continue to learn and grow, step aside while I pass you in life's race to be happy....but my Lord, please Get A Life and stop feeling accomplished by trying to do a hatchet job on me.    AND also, Please get a job, stop telling people you are disabled when you are seen driving all over and shopping in stores rushing in and out, Get a Job and get off the government (uh, yep that is the money the rest of us pay to support these slobs) funding and Get busy amusing yourself.

Now I am happy.  Again vented.............ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Off to have a great Saturday.
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