Nov 20, 2007 22:42
No not eager, mostly confused. So I work for a company who lives by Eastern Time. That is fine with me but when I tell my friends that I will be working from 4 to 6 PM Eastern and not to call me 3 to 5 Central they will call me at 2 and say "shouldnt you be at work?" which makes me look at my screen which says 3 and the discussion begins, then in a panic I log on and well this makes me work an hour early which makes for a long night.
I can hear it now, 2 hours a night is not long, but I have a normal non-virtual job and my furry family to attend to. Then you have me in a 4 hour class each day so that takes up time. Put in a hour not signed in. Call it Practice.
Confused? yes me too.
I need candy.