Oct 25, 2012 07:12
It's a stupid time for me to write, because I'm leaving on a trip, but sometimes, time is of the essence. Cliche? Yes. True? Uh ha. Me not in a v. eloquent mood? You betcha'.
I love Pottermore! Joined ages ago. Was disappointed to be sorted into Gryffindor, but you can't tell a hat to stuff, you know? Anyway, after muddling my way through Pottermore & into Chamber of Secrets, I lost the ability to get log back in. My password - and I never get it wrong - would not work. No biggie. I asked for a new one so I could reenter. I never got back an email. Yes, I used the correct email, and tried several more times to get a Pottermore response, but no freakn' luck. GAK! I was so upset. Decided to just rejoin under a new name. That one didn't work. By now I was thinking I'd been jinxed. Those Slytherin BASTARDS! Uh... no, not you Cocoa, my dear, those other bastards.
That brings me up to yesterday. I joined up, new again, a Pottermore virgin. This time, it was different. Don't know if you all know it, but the first chapters apparently are re-done and the method used to get one's first wand (10 3/4, English Oak, Phoenix Feather, thankyouverymuch) is redone! Really, I swear I recall when I joined the first time they just plopped a wand in your hand, spit, spot, there you go. Now it's far more entertaining, & enlightening. And the sorting hat! WOW. Just wow. I was prepared to rejoin a zillion more times if necessary to get into my perceived proper house, but no need. The hat, which must have been dusted recently, put me into Ravenclaw, straight away. I burst into tears of 'Oh thank heavens I don't have to fight to get in where I belong! The hat loves me! It really loves me!'.
So why am I telling you all this, considering I won't be able to answer after today for a couple of weeks? Because I need your Pottermore usernames so I can friend you, that's why!
Oh. I'm Rainspirit12129. Would have liked to be Thestrelarse22 or Trollskut666, but as names on Pottermore go, it's better than a pike in the eye.