Different (6/?), Saga/Tora

Jun 15, 2011 22:49

Title: Different
Author: darkfeathers84
Chapter: (6/?)
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: alice nine, the GazettE
Pairings: Saga/Tora, later more
Genre: Humor, Romance, later Drama
Warnings: malexmale
Disclaimers: I don’t own alice nine or the GazettE. Unfortunately.
Summary: Damn, how was he supposed to get better in an infirmary when he constantly got jelly knees there? (Saga as student with Tora as school doctor)
Comments: I know it took me forever to upload this chapter ;O; for that, I'm truly sorry! Rest is at the bottom

(Chapter 01)
(Chapter 02)
(Chapter 03)
(Chapter 04)
(Chapter 05)
Chapter 06

„Hmm, so, who do we have here...? Shouldn't you be in your bed, sleeping like a baby?“, suddenly someone murmured in Saga's ear, feeling a slim body pressing against his own. But... this couldn't be! He had seen it with his own eyes. Shinji had left the club! He turned around hastily and, in fact, spotted the young doctor standing now in front of him. At first, he wasn't even sure if it was really him because Shinji looked..., well, just completely different this night. He just knew him in casual clothes in the infirmary, after all, but now in his, well, party outfit...

Shinji wore a tight sleevless black shirt and a grey vest with black pattern which complimented his muscular arms. His legs were clad with a long black jeans and his hands were covered with black leather gloves that left his fingertips bare. A silver necklace adorned his slender neck and there were also a few bracelets decorating the other's wrists. His black hair was also styled in another way. Not straight, like it was usually, but slightly in curls and obliterating his right eye. However, this was not that caught Saga's attention. He could see dark metal that was pierced through the elder's lower lip. A piercing? Why hadn't he noticed that before? But the doctor probably wasn't allowed to wear it during his work or at least he thought of this as the most logical explanation. The piercing accentuated the taller's plush lips so much... he definitely would have noticed that in school!

„What... what are you doing here? I saw you leaving...“, Saga finally spoke up. The raven-haired raised an eyebrow, facing him indignantly: „What? You saw me but didn't come over and greet me? How rude. I'm deeply hurt, Saga. And... I was just having a smoke outside.“ Damn. He could have thought about that earlier. But how was he supposed to know this? He gave a quick glance over his shoulder just to find Nao already making a bolt. Hmpf. That seemed to be his new hobby: leaving him alone, helpless.

He again payed more attention to the dark-haired in front of him: „Oh, ehh... well, I saw you earlier but you were, err... busy, I'd say...“ He didn't realize that he completely had stopped moving. Shinji gave him a charming smile, seeming to understand what the younger had tried to tell him with that: „I would have taken my time to have a little chat with my favourite patient.“ His face went bright red. Damn, just... HOW did he do that, over and over? A few flattering words of him and Saga behaved like a girl. God, he had to keep his composure... or at least what was left of it. He tried to return the smile: „I didn't know that, I'm sorry. But you did greet me now, didn't you?“

Yes, give him the cold shoulder! Shinji shouldn't think that Saga was easy to twist around one's finger. Which he wasn't! Yeah. Now it was the doctor's turn again to speak up: „Indeed. But you didn't answer my question about why you are still here and not lying in bed... you have school tomorrow, don't you?“ What? Did he really want to play the moralizer? If he went on like this, Saga would have to change his opinion about him and this wouldn't be in a good way!

Saga snorted: „Yes, I have. So what do you want to do about that?“ Shinji suddenly burst into a hearty laugh. Okay, if he kept laughing so beautifully he maybe wouldn't have to change his opinion. No, Saga. No one's laughing beautifully. But did he miss a joke or something? As the elder spotted his sceptical look, he finally answered: „I won't do anything about that. It was a joke, Saga-kun.“ Again, the usual smile graced his lips. Oh. So he was just kidding with him. Great.

His cheeks turned into an even deeper shade of red as he quietly muttered: „Oh, well... I thought you would want to talk to my parents about me going out clubbing and... school... and... you know.“ The other shook his head, gazing at him with a bold gleaming in his eyes: „I didn't want to complain. Or... well, maybe I will. About you still not dancing with me.“ The smaller one just blinked irritatedly. Err, what? Did he just ask him... for a dance?

As smart as his thoughts was his answer: „Err, what?“ The elder grinned haughtily: „Let's dance.“ Ooookay. He didn't expect that one. Yes, he had hoped for a conversation with the other man but this... impossible. „Err... I can't dance...“, was the first excuse that came to his mind. Oh, lord, he couldn't believe how stupid he was. „Oh, please, Saga... I saw you dancing just a few minutes ago“, the raven-haired pouted, pushing his lower lip forward. Oh god... these sinful lips. And that damn piercing.

Suddenly he felt Shinji laying his soft hands on his hips. He bent over and whispered into his ear: „Stop worrying so much... just relax and do it like before. Just listen to the music.“ Goosebumps were spreading all over his body as he felt the taller one's breath tickling his skin, making him sigh contently. With that pleasant, husky voice, he had no other choice than to relax, didn't he? Although he didn't really know how he should survive that. He got jelly knees just by Shinji's presence, after all.

He closed his eyes for a short moment and took a deep breath. When he opened them again, he began moving his body to the music and gazed at the taller man's bright eyes. Shinji seemed to be pretty happy with the whole situation, grinning like a Cheshire cat. Cute. „By the way, you can call me Tora. I call you Saga, too, after all, and... well, we're friends, aren't we?“, he asked while taking Saga's hands into his own and placing them onto his shoulders, urging him to lay his arms around his neck. The brunette did as he was told but more hesitantly. He still wasn't sure if body contact like this was actually allowed between him and the yound doctor, after all. He nodded to the question, already having learned about the other's nickname not so long ago. The elder man now pressed closer to him, letting his hands wander downwards and resting on Saga's hips.

A wave of heat ran over him as he felt the elder's muscular body so close to his own. He couldn't avert his gaze from the other man's shining eyes, no, he literally drowned in them, getting completely taken in by their beauty. With every passing second, he felt more at ease and after a while, he even pushed nearer to his partner, wasn't able to hold himself back anymore. It was just too much. This had to be a dream. He buried his face in the oh so delicious crook of the raven-haired's neck, trying to hide the still lasting blush on his cheeks.

He drank in the other's infatuating scent, slowly forgetting where he was, slowly forgetting that Shinji, or rather „Tora“, was his school doctor, slowly forgetting that he didn't like this man in “that“ way and slowly forgetting everything he had worried about a few moments earlier. All that mattered was the here and now. No, this couldn't be a dream, this was just too real. Tora's body close to his own, that indescribable scent and the smooth skin he could already guess on the taller one's neck. In time with the bass, he again and again was pressed against the hot skin, letting his hips roll inside Tora's hands and pushing his lower body against the dark-haired man's. He could sense the taller one slowly spacing out, too, and caressing Saga's elegant back with his hand.

God... just what was going on here? He didn't know anymore what he was doing, what was happening with them but he did know that all of this just felt damn good. His hands started moving on their own, running his fingers through the other's hair and fondling his neck. He had lost the control over himself long ago, pulling the elder down to him, the tips of their noses only inches apart. He wanted to see these bright eyes even more, wanted to sink into them, drown in them. He wanted to be as close as possible to the elder but without crossing any borders. The taller man just looked at him and the brunette could discern the light in these dark eyes, immediately taking his breath away. Never had he seen something more beautiful and this... gleam. It was dedicated to him and only him. And then he was aware of it: something had just changed between them.

However, he was suddenly ripped out of their own world. Nao was tapping his shoulder and speaking loudly, almost screaming into his ear: „Sorry for interrupting you two but we have to go, Saga...“ He grabbed hold of his friend's right arm and pulled him away. The raven-haired man was too surprised to react in any other way but to just watch the young man leave to whom he had been so close moments before and who had been stolen from him so violently. Saga still glimpsed back to him, giving him an apologizing look. Nao was right, after all, they really had to go. And Tora nodded, bestowing him an understanding smile which also lighted up the younger man's face again. Afterwards, he and his friend disappeared into the dancing crowd and eventually out of the club.

All of a sudden, a slim arm sneaked around the raven-haired man's torso, someone whispering into his ear: „Oh, you picked a nice toy, Tora...“ Anger overflooded him as he turned around hastily, escaping that arm around his stomach: „Uruha, what do you want from me? I already told you many times now. You and me... there's just no chance, okay?“ It was the dark-blonde man Tora had danced with and had kissed on the dancefloor last time. „What do I want from you...? Oh, you know that perfectly well, darling. I want you.“, he breathed seductively, coming dangerously close to the taller man. Tora only rolled his eyes and took a step back, recreating the distance between them.

„No, Uruha. Just... forget it, okay?“, he repeated a bit louder now and turned away, ready to leave. However, a delicate hand grasped his wrist, pulling him back: „I will forget naught, Tora, but you shouldn't forget who you belong to. You... are mine.“ Tora broke away now, filled with rage: „Damn, Uruha, stop your stupid little games. I'm sick of your damn possessiveness... just leave me alone.“ 'God, who did that guy even think he was?' the raven-haired man wondered to himself as he furiously stomped out of the Blackmail. He had spent one, just one evening with Uruha and hell, he hadn't even slept with him. So why was Uruha acting like this? He had kissed him, not married him.

The night had started so well. The thought of his dance with the young Saga calmed him down again and he finally sighed contently again. Something like this had never happened to him. Never had he felt more connected to someone than this little brunette. And god, it had just begun as a little dance... he had to laugh at this, mocking himself for that absurd thought. A little dance? He should stop trying to convince himself of the younger man meaning nothing to him. It wouldn't work anyway as he had already realized during the student's earlier visits in the infirmary. This had been more than 'just' a little, insignificant dance. This was more, he finally had to admit that. This was so much more...

And again, I'm sorry this took so long >_< The chapter was ready as I mentioned earlier but I just didn't have time to upload it x_x Sorry... but here it is <3 chapter 6! So yeah... our villain no.1 is Uruha XD and if there's a villain no.1 there has to be a villain no.2 <3 you will get to know him veeeery soon :D
aaaand here you have a few pictures for this story. The pictures of Saga shows the outfits he was thinking about last chapter and the final outfit (just with brown hair in the fic XD) aaaand you can also see Tora's outfit which he is wearing in this chapter ^^
yeees... that was it for now :3 I hope you liked the chapter! Next chapter will be up sooner than this one! >_< and comments are loved as always! :D

tora x saga

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