from Party monster to Sciencetology!

Nov 26, 2005 15:16

thanks to greg i got the party monster soundtrack yesterday! i got to pay him back for that on payday. So while looking for the lyrics i decided to go thought the Party monster quotes! cause that movie has some great lines XD

like my favorite as i've said before
"thats not a crack hole it's a rat hole. Rats on crack, Attack."

but there's more!

Well, congratulations on getting out of the very dangerous world of haberdashery!


You're just some lame-ass, Johnny-come-lately, fairy, faggot, copycat! You don't even know your skrink from your skrod! You stupid logger blogger!

Which lead to the quest of finiding out what logger blogger really meant! If it was a word. lol had nothing so Chud suggested And there it was.

then that lead me to look up other fun slang words like asdfasdfasdf XD. lol I don't remember what i was looking for when i clicked on L but there in big bold letters was L. Ron Hubbard. And i was like how is that Slang. XD The deffinition was awesome though

1. L. Ron Hubbard
Quite possibly, the greatest conman ever. See Scientology

And so i did!

there was an awesome explaination of what sciencetology is there! and for all of you who i haven't told about what Scientology i'm gunna cut and past it XD

A cult founded by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. There core beliefs are as follows:

This area of the galaxy was once ruled by an alien warlord named Xenu. 65 million years ago his empire was overpopulated horribly, so to combat the overpopulation he had trillions of citizens called in for psychiatric evalutations and tax audits, where they were given paralytic drugs, loaded onto space planes, and flown to Planet Teegeeack. Once on this planet, their bodies were stacked in huge piles around volcanoes, while atom bombs were dropped into these volcanos, instantly killing trillions of galactic citizens.

To keep these people from reincarnating in the rest of the galaxy, Xenu set up a special trap. Powerful force-fields kept their souls (called "Thetans" in Scientology jargon) from escaping, and these thetans were then shown special holographic movies about the various lies they are supposed to believe, with characters like Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha. Over time, these thetans began to believe Xenu's lies about false gods, and began to reincarnate on Teegeeack (but the thetans called this world "Earth"). When intelligent life appeared on Teegeeack, thousands or millions of "Thetans" cling to every native soul (er, "thetan") and fill it's head with nonsensical thoughs and irrational beliefs.

The key idea of Scientology is to avoid tax officials and psychiatrists at all costs, while paying the church a large amount of money for special "counseling" (called "auditing" in their jargon) to help you reach a special enlightened state called "Clear" where you telepathically communicate with these "thetans" clinging to you and force them out of your body, and rid yourself of evil Xenu's influence.

(By the way, most Scientologists don't know this, like the Mystery Cults of the Greco-Roman world, Scientology doles it's doctrine out in tiny doses to it's new recruits, and tells the public next to nothing about what it believes. You don't hear that whole story until you reach a special rank in their group called "OT3" for "Operating Thetan 3". Their doctrine holds that if this got out, the Thetans in people would revolt at hearing the truth and people would get sick and die possibly just by hearing this story, which of course leads people who aren't Scientologists who hear this story to tell it to others and watch them not die or get ill from it.)

one of the quote off this page was "Hey, did you notice that the personality test on almost always tells you that you're unstable and depressed?"

Which made me want to see for myself! and ofcourse i wasn't going to suffer alone! XD So now the results of the test by Alex, greg and myself.

Heheh lookit that he's stable but v. depressed XD? Alexes is graph is very ziggy zaggy! and i love how he is apperently more irresposcible then ME. I think there must be some thigs wrong with this test lol.

For some reason Greg gets a flower. MAYBE IT'S A THETEN! as you can see gregs is i bit more possitive then Alexes was XD his first one wan't so possitive but he says he didn'tunderstand all the questions. So i'll leave this one up lol

And ME

Mine is a lot less zig-zaggy then everyone elses. and i love how i'm happier then everyone else and i'm suffereing from SAD XD I got two flowers~ i don't know if thats good or bad XD heheh
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