Faberry: One of Them

Nov 13, 2010 22:41

Title: One of Them
Author: Alice Inamorata
Rating: NC-17
Length: 12, 475
Summary: Her last night before returning to her master, Quinn Fabray decides to take up some unfinished business with her not-so-willing student. Oh, how quickly Rachel is willing. Harry Potter Crossover!

It didn’t help that her skirt was always too short and her blouse was always semi-opened. Her hair was always curled just the way that she liked and whenever she asked her a question, the small stature brunette always seemed to know the answer. Smart and attractive - she never thought she’d find such two strong traits within such a young woman. Those weren’t the only two: she was strong minded, stubborn, unbearably feisty, and held extreme leadership qualities that sometime made Quinn feel as if she wasn’t the teacher. Rachel Berry knew too much - way too much.

And how it turned her on.

But tonight was Quinn’s last night in these haunting halls. She too, had attended here as a young witch, walking to corridors late at night, trying to find what lurked behind each curve. (She had gotten caught most of the time of course. Quinn was never too good at being sneaky; Filtch creeped her out.) Her position in the school was cursed, she had known that, for she had been feeling the burning in her left arm for days. HE was calling her. If she did not return by midnight tonight, Quinn Fabray would not live another day.

She smirked at the rhyme, stirring her tea. Her trunks were neatly assembled and packs throughout the room. The walls that were once covered with moving photos and diplomas of her work were now shoved away for no one else to see. The only piece of furniture in the whole room was the black desk centered right in the middle of the circular room. It was adorned with a single book, a roll of parchment, ink, a single colorful quill and her tea. It burned as it touched her lips; a similar feeling ached in her left arm once more.

He’s getting angry, she recited mentally. I’m his most loyal follower and I am not showing up. He has to wait. I can’t just leave without saying goodbye.

Quinn smirked. ‘Goodbye’ was more similar to ‘smut’ versus ‘to bid adieu.’ She would take care of this business. You see, Quinn had this all planned. She had purposely failed an assignment Rachel Berry had turned in two weeks early just for the hell of it. She knew the failing grade would impact the miniature girl; a smirk had crossed over her face as she had watched Rachel’s face twist upright into a scowl and frustrated look. She told Rachel she could have extra credit to make up for the loss.

“Oh my dear, Berry…’ Quinn’s voice sang as the small girl walked into the room. Her hazel eyes danced over the brunettes figure. All was the same; the short skirt, the semi opened blouse under the vest, her hair curled perfectly and her cloak opened slightly. It trailed behind her as she walked into the room, shutting the door behind her as had motioned.

“Hi Professor,” Rachel sat down, crossing her legs the way she always did. “I don’t understand how I could have failed that paper. I mean, I had worked for hours upon hours on that paper and I even turned it in early to you. I spent hours in the library and -.”

“Rachel,” Quinn held up her hand, giving the small girl a smile. Rachel smiled back, “Don’t worry about the paper, okay? After tonight, you will regain your four point oh grade point average. Now, I am going to ask you to do some things for me.”

Rachel merely nodded, her dark brown doe-eyes peering up at her professor.

This girl is clueless, Quinn sang. Smirking and leaning up against the desk. Her arms were automatically crossed, establishing the superiority in this situation. If Rachel Berry failed to comply to the first commands of this task, she would have to go to drastic measures. She would not hurt the girl, oh no, just make sure she simply couldn’t feel below the belt for the next few days.

“Please, stand up and take off your cloak. It’ll get hot.” Quinn smirked, taking off her own cloak. She felt the cool English air hit her arms through the thin fabric of her blouse. As expected, Rachel Berry complied, resting her cloak on the leather chair.

“What will I be doing for you professor?” Rachel asked, stumped and slightly agitated that she couldn’t figure out what she was going to be doing with the young educator. No doubt, Rachel was attracted to the tall, athletic blonde, but just to be standing so close to her made her feel slightly inferior. She hated the feeling; she liked being in control.

“Oh, nothing too hard, all you have to do is do what I say and all will be fine.”

Rachel leant up against the chair, allowing Quinn to have a full frontal view of her. Quinn walked closer, running her fingertips over the strong jaw line. The brunette hesitated at first, turning slightly, before eventually pressing her head into the pale hand. “Such a pretty girl…”

“Professor…this isn’t right. It’s strictly against the rules.” Rachel spoke, the words coming out as one long sentence. She was nervous. Quinn knew that she had to act quickly before she ran away.

“No one has to know, Miss Berry. Now stay here, I need your help tonight.” Quinn flipped the curled locks over Rachel’s shoulders, her fingers running down her neck and over her collarbone. “I really need your help…” Quinn’s hazel eyes traveled down to the brunettes exposed cleavage, her lips parting ever-so-slightly.

“No, I can’t. I just can’t do this.” She spoke quickly. Rachel turned around hastily, grabbing her cloak before a single worded spell was shouted at her. She stopped in her tracks, feeling an unbreakable gravitational pull pulling her back towards her Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

“The Imperious curse is quite useful, isn’t it, darling?” Quinn asked sweetly, an evil smirk spreading over her lips as she controlled the young girl with the flick of her wand. Rachel was trying to resist with all her power, but the Unforgivable Curse was too strong for the student. Before she knew it, she was bending over the professors desk and no way to escape.

“This isn’t right!!” Rachel shouted, feeling her skirt being pushed over her hips. “Please!”

“Shut up, Berry. You’re always too mouthy for your own good.” Quinn sneered, her smirk getting bigger by the moment. Her hands went over the exposed skin of Rachel’s ass, feeling the smooth skin beneath her fingertips. She heard the girl beneath her whimpering. “You’ll enjoy this.”

She turned the girl around with another flick of her wand, positioning her upon the desk in a sitting position. Quinn stood between the girls legs, running her fingers up them. They were like silk. Rachel was watching her every move, every so often locking eyes with the professor. The blondes fingers found their way beneath the black vest, discarding it to the floor with the cloaks. She leant forward, wrestling her lips with her students passionately yet roughly. Rachel kissed her back without any control by the teacher, indicating that she did want this. She could not move any other part of her body but her lips.

Quinn’s fingers undid the buttons of the blouse half way, cupping the young woman’s breasts. They fit perfectly in her hands as she grabbed, teasing her nipples through her bra. It was the perfect innocent shade of light pink, matching the lace panties that she had seen moments ago. She felt her lips being tugged by the brunette, a begging motion not to let her go. Quinn pulled away, pulling down the bra slightly just so she could grasp the erect nipple between her lips.

“Ooooohh…” Rachel moaned slightly, her head leaning back. She felt the blondes warm lips around the sensitive area, the feeling of her tongue brushing so lightly over the very tip. “More…”

“Oh, now you want to be fucked by your professor?” Quinn questioned, teasing. Rachel did not answer, pushing her chest outwards.

“Answer me, Berry. Do you want me to fuck you?”


“I can’t hear you.” Quinn bit the taut nipple roughly, earning a squeak.

“Yes! I want you to fuck me! Pleeeeease!”

“Much better. Now lie down and place your palms face down on the desk. Don’t move them.” Quinn undid her own blouse, letting it silkily slide off of her shoulders and onto the floor into a pool. She leant over her student, running her tongue lazily down her strong abs and to the line of her skirt. This thing is such a hassle, she thought to herself, pushing it up and out of the way. She pushed the tanned thighs to the side, noticing the cool wash of liquid over her thighs.

“Hmmm…you’re such a liar when you said you didn’t want this. Such a dirty little liar you are, Rachel Barbara Berry.” Rachel smelt strongly of her arousal as Quinn leant down, running her lips over her inner thighs. “Tell me how you want me to fuck me.”

“Hard..” Rachel whined, feeling her panties being dragged down her thighs, “I want you to fill me.”

“’I want, I want…’” Quinn teased, running her index finger from her ass to her entrance, purposely missing her clit. Rachel caught on, shuddering. “Do you know what I want to do to you?” Quinn climbed on top of the petite girl, flicking her pink tongue to her earlobe, “I want to fuck you until you can’t come anymore, with my whole hand, like the little dirty slut you are prancing around in that short fucking skirt and open blouse. This will teach you how to dress, Miss Berry. You will never prance around like a slut ever again after tonight, do you understand?” Rachel nodded, her eyes clasped shut. “And if you do, I’ll find you.”

Quinn resumed her normal position between the girls legs, slamming three fingers tightly inside of Rachel. They slid in perfectly, earning a bright smile from the professor and a loud scream from the student. “Silent.” Quinn hissed, leaning down and capturing her clitoris between her wet lips.

“Ooooohh Quinn! Yeeeees! Yeees!”

“Do you like being fucked by your professor?” Quinn teased, watching Rachel’s juices coat her fingers. She was turned on by the sight, leaning down and teething the swollen clitoris. Rachel whined loudly, her hips riding against the long, thin fingers.

“I love being fucked by my professooorrr!”

“Are you going to take my whole fist, baby?” Quinn smirked, sliding in her fourth finger, followed by her thumb. Once her whole hand was within the woman, she balled her hand into a fist, pumping it inside of her. Her lips were tightly wrapped around the nub above her fist, tongue working wildly. Rachel began to squirm, her hands tightly clasped over her mouth to muffle the screams of pleasure. “Oooh! Punish meeee! I deserve it!!”

Quinn loved hearing her scream.

With a few final thrusts of her strong arms, Rachel was coming undone all over her hand. The pale skin was glistening with the sweet smelling fluid that was lapped up by the professor, who then tasted like her lover. Leaning over her student once more, their lips met like two attracting magnets, roughly battling to the death. With lips raw from kissing, Quinn pulled away, straddling the young woman’s face.

“Eat. Now.” Rachel happily complied, wrapping her arms around the blonde’s milky thighs. Panties seemed to be optional today for her, seeing as though she had to take care of herself all day in order to keep herself sane until this very moment. Quinn leant forward, barely unable to contain herself from feeling her students tongue toy with her insides. She moaned loudly into the brunette’s pussy, her tongue pushing deeply inside of her as she plummeted two fingers inside of her ass. Rachel was not expecting this, thus screaming softly into the blonde, her fingers quickening in her entrance. She began to work harder on the blonde, pushing a total of four fingers into her, tasting her liquid as it dripped out of her. Quinn was playing a melody inside of Rachel, pumping her tongue in long, fast strokes; her fingers deep inside of the brunettes ass.

“Rachel, I’m coming!”

“Quiiiiiiiinn!!” Rachel shouted, giving her fingers and tongue their last few thrusts before she came undone once more over her professor. Quinn too, released just over the young girls fingers, her hips riding out the last of her orgasm. It was then the felt the rude awakening of the burning tattoo on her left arm. She hissed, rubbing the Dark Mark wildly as they both dressed.

“Is there something the matter..” Rachel questioned, still sitting on top of the desk. “Something I did?”

“No, nothing you did.” Quinn replied truthfully, smiling and giving Rachel a sweet kiss on the lips. Rachel ran her fingers over the professors inner arms, jolting when she felt something moving beneath them. As Quinn went to pull away, Rachel’s strength towered over her, yanking her back forward.

She had seen it; the Dark Mark. Her doe eyes seemed terrified, yet betrayed. “You’re…one of them…?”

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