The 5 Most Baffling Sex Scenes in Slash Fanfiction

Mar 21, 2011 19:55 someone who has read summaries for Digimon fic, Garfield/Oddie, and - Holy Jesus on a Pogo Stick - Bush/Blair I'm (unfortunately) sure those are probably NOT the 5 most baffling sex scenes ever written in slash. Still, it's badfic with the hilarious kind of commentary only Cracked can provide, and with the links to the actual fics, if they weren't taken by trolls and taken off the air by authors who today live in an isolated village in Tibet in constant dread someone will find out they're the author of any of these gems.

Have fun, and keep your brain bleach at hand while reading:

brought to you by Cracked.

slash, crack pairing, badfic, fanfiction

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