This is a happy post

Jul 06, 2020 21:24

Fourth of July weekend adventure recap:

My friends Chanel, her husband Michael, Kc and I went on adventure to Door county and Sheboygan! We left supa early Saturday morns, ok like 8 but still, and headed out destination Door County. It quickly became clear that Kc's car was a poor choice to use as our adventure vehicle because his ac was broken. He swears it was cold air coming out of the vents, but the consensus of the very sweaty car passengers was the air was moving and not actually cool. Lol. The trip out was mostly uneventful other than me teaching everyone the Stavran Rules Car Trip Alphabet Game. Michael won, I think he may have cheated though, haha.

We hit up our first winery once we got to DC and it was "just ok" So we then switched tactics and decided to see what fun could be had in bumming around little towns. We stopped in Egg Harbor to walk around for a bit and find a place for lunch. While trying to find a parking spot I saw a sign for tacos and 'ritas, and being me I yelled excitedly, "Taco-Ritas!!!!" This of course sold everyone in the car on the idea and our lunch spot was set. It was an outside eatery that was mostly bar, but also tacos! We all got tacos and Door County mojitos per the bar tenders recommendation. The mojitos were divine, super refreshing and the added cherry was mmm so good. Then tacos came and I was literally dancing in my seat after the first bite. This trip we found that Kc has an ice cream dance, and I have a taco dance. My mouth is watering right now at the memory of those tacos. We had an amazing lunch laughing and enjoying our food and drinks. Then when we went to pay we discovered those delish mojitos were $12 each, and poor Michael had ordered 3. I mean they were good, not $12 good though, they were served in a plastic cup and honestly were mostly ice. Ah yes, Egg Harbor tourist trap snapped us up but good.

So with the more expensive than originally planned lunch out of the way we headed up to our turn around spot for the day, Gills rock. We scoped out an ice cream spot for the way back as we wound our way out to the tippy top of DC. It was fun enough to just drive through the little towns, see the boats on the water, and just take it easy. We got to Gills rock and headed out to walk along the water, and wade in a bit. Found some pretty rocks and Michael flexed some major rock skipping skillz. He can get like three or four skips every time!

After a bit on the water we headed back stopping for ice cream at a local spot. It was amazingly good, plus they were situated on a little water inlet so there were ducks! They had duck feed people could buy, and luckily enough there were a couple little kids who got their parents to buy duck food so the ducks and ducklings (so fucking cute) came over to say hello.

Got to Sheboygan and our hotel about 8pm, and after a quick stop at a grocery store for snacks and drinks we ventured out to find a beachy area. The boys had bought fireworks and sparklers earlier that day at a gas station so we were set for a grand time. The bottles of wine and beer paired nicely with the gorgeous moon over the water, and soon we all found ourselves running through the water dancing with our sparklers and bottle rockets making complete fools of ourselves. It was magical.

We made our way back to the hotel about 1am and all happily crashed into beds that in no way should be called queen sized.

The next morning we were ready for more adventure, and the plan was to head to Kohler-Andrae state park. After some finagling getting a state park sticker we were parked and headed out to the beach. Michael selected the perfect spot and we set up camp on the beach. It was so beautiful and the water felt nice in the heat. I got to flex my water handstand skillz and we all agreed next time we need to get floaties in fun shapes. Of course Kc had brought a script along so while we were laying out in the sun Chanel, Kc, and I read a couple scenes from a play called Crimes of the Heart, because we're all nerds and why not, lol. I think Kc will direct this play in spring through WCT, I'll defo audition. It seems like a well written script, and I do really enjoy working with him. A thunderstorm started to blow in so we packed up and started for home.

While going through a roundabout a red truck didn't yield and hit the back of Kc's car. It was a solid hit, and I was in the back passenger seat by the impact, but thankfully I'm ok. It did bring our adventure to a screeching halt. Chanel flexed her good in an emergency skillz, and took charge getting the cops on the phone and helping Kc get his insurance info. It took forever for a cop to come and it was raining. We were all shaken up, probably me especially and seeing that Michael gave me his phone and I did like five hard mode Sudoku puzzles to distract my brain. It helped. Kc's car was damaged but drive-able so after everything was settled with the police and the other driver we were back on our way. Chanel made the brilliant decision that it was ice cream o'clock and we made our way to Kelley's Creamery. It was needed.

The rest of the journey home was unremarkable and we made it home tired but a good tired.

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