This re-take of the 10-words drabble page is in fulfillment of the request of
I present to you my first take on the pairing: Antonio X Lovino!
“Let go of me, you bastard!”
Antonio bit his lip.
*Angst(as requested by first commenter
It looked like tomato paste. But it was Antonio's blood.
* AU
Antonio siestas while his wife sells tomatoes in the market.
* Crack!fic(1)
“Do you love me?
“I sold Filipinas to feed you.”
*Crack!Fic(as requested by first commenter)
"Antonio, don't put whole tomatoes on the pasta, you idiot!"
* Crossover [Naruto]
“It’s my tomato!”
“Spain, you bastard! Save me!”
* First time
“Sardines? No way!”
“You haven’t tasted them yet.”
“Tomatoes, PLEASE.”
* Fluff
“For once you don’t give me tomatoes.”
“Roses are redder.”
* Humor
-Get well now. I can’t lay tomatoes on my own.-
* Smut
“Suck me like you would to a tomato.”
Antonio stiffened when Lovino poked the tomato with a pen.
Certainly not as amusing as this one, but then I had to take a request. Thanks for the request
parttime_job! I hope this is amusing enough for you...well...I tried my best..
[EDITED] Now includes request of first commenter
tuulensisko. THanks! I hope this is good enough for you!