The essay portion of the Third Reich midterm today was 8 pages, minimum. Ouch.
Im a glutton for punishment, but come on. Coincidentally, I sat next to a very
handsome German family on the ferry this evening. Two really adorable platinum
blonde kids. Aryans, naturally. It made me think of propaganda posters, and how
beautiful some of those illustrations were.
Lighning crashed on some wire, while my mom was stranded by the side of the
road tonight. Her car was dead, and stuck in the snowm and when the lightning
crashed,all the lights on the strip went out.
People had to hang out in pitch black steakhouses and King Kullens and shit.
Scary. My dad and I went to go rescue her. The wind was blowing really badly,
and the hood of the car slammed down on my dads head, and he started screaming:
"MOTHERFUCKER!MOTHERFUCKER!" Then we went and had a very nice dinner.
Leaving for LA tommorow. I'll say hi to Chris Walken for you, and Liza.
I'm most exited about seeing Craig Graham though. His limp is killer.
Im going to make a gallant attempt to scour my brain of all the shitty cruddy
psychic buildup plaque thats been accumulating. I intend to do this with
the aide of: Sunshine,Saltwater,Sweat,Chlorine,Orginized Religion,and Alchohol...
maybe all at once. Hey, its LA, whatever.
P.S. I love you.