I just caught the last fifteen minutes of a Magnum PI as I was eating my lunch, and it produced in me feelings of unmitigated delight. I don't know what it is about that show, if it's all the 80s glam, or the fact that Magnum looks so much like my Dad, or if it's the snappy dialogue (ex: Random Blonde- I'm sorry the relationship is over. Magnum's White Friend- But there isn't even a reason. Blonde- There usually never is.) but that's some quality kitch.
It's too hot for November. I'm walking around today in sandals and a sun dress and feeling uncomfortably warm, and that's just not cool. Heh, literally.
But it smells nice out, it's that yummy combination of cut grass and salt water that lingers in the breeze this time of year, and always makes tings seem a little better.
I must be off to a meeting. More Later.
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