//Icon Meme~~>

Nov 14, 2008 17:49

An icon meme~!! Taken from nenena's livejournal ~>// here//


1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

My icons, chosen by nenena

She is Rhyme, or Raimu, from the game called "The World Ends With you". I have to admit that is a character with a very limited screen time and all the TWEWY players know why but she is the typical (and special at the same time)character that you love with a single glance <3. I think that is the only one in the whole game that has enough common sense, an excessive benevolence and, saying the truth, she is just adorable. The pic is from the end of the game, and I will not say more~ if you want to know, play it >D~

Another TWEWY icon, made by synnesai. My favourite couple from the game, Joshua/Neku. Why my favourite? Well, I really love the smug bastard Joshua and his "ambiguous sexuality" kills me xD and he is the "mysterious character" the whole game. Also, the interactions between him and Neku are priceless LOL~ the second week wins SO much! and he is so cool and easy to control during a battle~. The picture is from a doujinshi, where Neku and Josh have skirts <3 lovely xDDDD

Now, Soul Eater, more specifically with the cute crazy Patti Thompson. I just love bipolar characters, and Patti is a clear example of how an extremely cheerful character can, in a second, change in a cute but deadly killing machine. She is just that awesome. The picture is from one of my favourite chapters of the manga (the one with a wild train), where Patti goes wild~. Oh! and, well, the sentence is only a random one, but I thought that it would look cool with that crazy look of hers xD.

Again Soul Eater, now with another awesome weapon that really needs more love from the fandom, Mira Nygus, Sid's partner. I really like her design but especially her attitude, even more since she questioned Shinigami-sama's orders, not like her partner, Sid, that follows the reaper's orders like a loyal but blind dog. About the sentence, well xDD, is only because my spanish teacher said a sentence from one of Machado's poems that I really like that day "...caminante no hay camino se hace camino al andar. Al andar se hace camino y al volver la vista atrás se ve la senda que nunca se ha de volver a pisar."

And finally another SE icon! a Kid/Patti one. I really like this couple <3 I know that is quite the impossible one, but the idea of a reaper with an obsession over symmetry and a bipolar cute weapon together amuses me to no end xDDD. The picture is from, again, the wild train chapter.


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