Miserable Sunday...

Nov 02, 2008 15:24

That is what I am having. I'm cold and don't want to put the heating on til later because I can't afford to have it on all day. I think I've upset Matt, but I'm not sure how, which makes me worried and sad. I want some chocolate but I'm eating really badly at the moment so trying to refrain. Also would mean going to the Co-op and it's so cold outside, even colder than in my flat. If that's possible. Also, I'm just really bored at the moment, and a bit lonely. I might go home next weekend. Warm house, proper food, people. Nice.

This week at work has been stressful. My senior was ill from Wednesday to Friday. Wednesday wasn't too bad because her student was in so there were two of us seeing patients. So weird having to countersign someone else's notes. Doesn't seem two minutes since that was me. Anyway, she goes to uni on Thurday and Fridays so it was just me in our team. =( And lots of complex patients with awkward relatives. A note for any of you with relatives going into hospital, do not ring the OT up at five to four on a Friday afternoon unless it really is 'urgent'. It will piss her off.

Sorry, that makes me sound like an uncaring bitch. I'm not. I can't even begin to imagine what it much feel like to know you're dying, it must be truly awful and like the world is against you. But if someone's trying to help you, surely that deserves some manners??

Anyway, job is going ok-ish. I've issued so many bloody bathboards in the last four weeks I may batter myself to death with the next one I see. I issued a toilet frame on Friday. Always nice to have some variety in one's life. =P

Thursday I went to an amazing place called Taybarns! Two of the OTs are moving rotation on Monday so it was there leaving do. Basically, it's all you can eat, but there's sooo much choice, carvery, Chinese, pizza, pasta, salad, soup, grill and puddings! Happy days. I realised afterwards that anyone sat at neighbouring tables may have been put off their food by the topics of conversation, but hey, who doesn't love a good anecdote involving an enema and a home visit?!

Hmm.. still cold. Still a bit miserable. Feel slightly better for rambling on here though. =S

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