I've been epic failing lately on my reaction posts, and this might get one in more detail, might not, but let me just say:
I LOVED the Sam/Ruby. Yes, granted, I wanted it from the beginning, rape or not, (not that I didn't care, but it just wasn't a huge "No, it isn't happening because of that" deal for me) and I've been rooting for it the whole time. I'm glad that they did bring up the rape issue, and I'm glad that Sam was still conflicted about it, but I'm also so happy that Jared did such an amazing job being both conflicted and yet wanting it so bad at the same time.
I was scared to read reaction posts, mostly because I just didn't want the wank and I DID NOT want to see people hating on Sam/the writers/Ruby/Genevieve or anything, and I probably should stop reading any more. Because I was getting upset at most of the ones I saw. I have to say that I really don't think it's a necrophilia issue either, because yeah sure, the body was dead (for all of about .21 seconds) and demons reanimate bodies and technically keep them alive, so I'm thinking that the body is definitely alive, if only with a different, uh, soul-type thing.
Also, I didn't find it unnecessary or pointless or out of place at all. I thought that it was pretty freakin' inevitable, and now that I've seen some people say that Ruby's in love with Sam, I'm going along with that pretty well now, too. I just thought it fit, and better (both in general and WITH SAM'S CHARACTER) that he screw Ruby than start picking up random chicks.
But then again, I might just have been biased from the start.
The bottom line of all of this? Jared/Genevieve/Sam/Ruby are AMAZING. I had and will continue to have absolutely no problem with this whatsoever. In fact, I will continue to LOVE IT LIKE CRAZY.
Also? This episode is probably my favorite. Like, of all time.