I. I bought the Prince Caspian companion book today, finally. I looked for the magazine, which I swear was supposed to be out until August, but couldn't find it. I did, however, find the sticker book and was sorely tempted, but I decided against it, mostly because my mom was with me and SHE'S THINKS I'M WEIRD ENOUGH AS IT IS, THANKS. But there were like, stickers of Will and Skandar and Ben and Anna and I did kind of really want them.
On the bright side, though, I bought tons of new books today! Some Alex Rider, some Dark is Rising, a critical edition of Lord of the Flies (annotated with essays, yay!), Paint it Black for $6, Warrior Heir? (IDK. It's fantasy and battles and a male lead who almost kills someone BY ACCIDENT with his ~powers~ and overall it seemed like it might be good. Anyone read it?), a couple of SPN companions (S2 guide and creature guide), AND AND AND OMG my fourth edition of The Hobbit, this one with a dust jacket of Tolkien's original 1937 cover art (with the red ink!) and a preface by Chris that I've never seen before, and YAY!
II. My Disney store went out of business. This makes me ridiculously sad and nostalgic, and I'm kind of shocked about it, actually.
I was totally going to buy stuff today, too. COME BACK DISNEY STORE. MY MONEY. I WILL GIVE IT TO YOU.
III. I finally got paid, deposited my check, and then realized that I was in the negatives for about a week and a half. The reason? Fucking iTunes. Who charged my account more than a week after I downloaded the music, and about three days after they sent me the recipt for said music. IS THIS NORMAL? BECAUSE IT SUCKS, OUT LOUD. I want to email iTunes and tell them to give me $25 of free music, for the overdraft charge. *rages grumbles etc.*
IV. I saw something over at
narnia_dazzle about Ben/Skandar, and I was like, "LULZ BEN/SKANDAR, THAT'S SO AWKWARD," and then I remembered that I already wrote it. And am writing more.