I cannot believe that I'm posting again, but I have to ask all of you lovelies a question that's been bugging me for ages. I'm in a ranting, discussing-type mood, so I figure I'll ask now to see if I can get any insights on the matter.
Okay. So, while I haven't read that many post-HBP fics, I have yet to read one when Ginny isn't left behind while the Trio go out to fight Voldemort. In every one so far, she's been left, well somewhere because no one can be bothered to include her or even tell the readers what's going on with her. (I realize that people dislike her relationship with Harry for one reason or another and that no, she isn't the best or easiest plot point in an H/D fic, but she's important. She's a big part of Harry's life now, and he isn't going to forget about her any time soon.)
Now, after Ootp especially, I do not think for one second that Ginny is going to be left behind quietly. That is, if she's left behind at all. Seeing her perserverance and stubborness when they all go off to the Ministry, she isn't going to buy Harry's "stay behind and be safe" speech. While Ginny is all understanding at the end of HBP after the Breakup of Stupidity, I don't know if she's going to stay that way for long, or if she even realizes how much of nothing Harry's (and all of the authors I've read are) expecting her to do. I don't know what her rebellion or help to the cause will be, but she's going to be involved somehow or other, especially if Ron's going to go off with Harry as expected.
Whether it's going to be a Final Battle, or a Last Showdown, or some spectacular and/or tragic scene, I believe that Harry, Ron, and Hermione will be there. I also wholeheartily believe that Ginny, Neville, and Luna will be there too. Ginny for the reaons above. Neville, well if you ask me, Neville has earned his place there just as much as Harry. It's my hope that he takes out Bella and fights alongside the others, but who knows. Luna: I think Luna will just be there, looking like she wandered over by accident. They might not even invite her along. But after the Ministry, after Ootp, after the DA, and even after HBP, I don't see any way that they're not going to be involved. Knocked unconscience or attacked or (in reality) even killed before they can do anything big? Perhaps, but still present.
And you know what? I might as well say this now, because I can't help but think about it. I believe (rather sarcastically and crack!fic-ish) that Voldie, after the desctruction of the Horcruxes, will die by Bat Bogey Hex, cast by one Ginny Weasley. I mean, c'mon, after all of the freakin' attention JKR draws to the fact that she's an accomplished caster of it, that Fred and George respect her power because of it, that she's in the Slug Club singly because of it? How can it not play some huge part?! (Okay, ending the madness.)
As for Draco, well, while I'd like him to be there and maybe play some part, I don't know if he's going to. It would take a huge part of the plot of the seventh book to convert him and the Order take him in, and it would take a good deal, but not too much, to come up with an excuse for Voldie keeping him alive and allowing a 17-year-old to fight for his army, so I'm not sure what'll happen on that front. I think it'd be better for everyone if he just stayed in exile. I don't think that's how it's going to go down, but if he has a part at all, for whatever side (if he isn't killed by Voldie for going to the Order if that's the way it turns out for him) it won't be a big one.
And because I feel like it and before I forget to ask, on a completely different note, any theories as to where the Horcruxes are going to be? In Abide the Sleeper, a Big Bang fic, there was one at the orphanage, which just fit so well that I totally believe one will be there. But as for the other? Hogwarts, maybe? Any other ideas?