Wow how goddamn ugly is the new LJ layout they'll be forcing on us soon. I've been saying it for years, but really, when my account expires in February I'm not giving them any more money. I paid for it last year because I was still on LJ primarily and checking my flist really regularly and didn't want ads, but I'm on it infrequently enough now that it's really not worth it. :(
Anyway, today is my first official day of break, and I was going to spend it watching season 5 of Merlin because I've still yet to be really badly spoiled and I'm afraid my luck in that regard won't last, but my internet SUCKS SO BAD and it literally took me like an hour and a half to almost finish the first episode. And the quality was terrible on top of it. So I got a pizza and now I'm rewatching some of season three because I own it and season three is the best season.
I also feel like shit because I woke up at goddamn four thirty in the afternoon after having gone to bed at a somewhat decent hour (three, sure, but that's normal for me and in no way justifies sleeping for thirteen and a half fucking hours) so I missed the day's sunlight completely, and I'd never thought it'd happen to me, but I have to say that the whole four-hours-of-sunlight-per-day thing is noticeable. I need to get up tomorrow and be productive and watch the sunrise and go outside for more than to just buy food.
I keep saying it, I know, but a proper update will happen soon. Currently my back is fucking killing me like it hasn't since I was actually injured and not getting treatment, so sitting down in general fucking sucks and hurts like a bitch, but once I get that sorted out I will give you pictures and fandom things and fun shit like that.
Also I just downloaded the new iTunes and I'm a little afraid to see what it looks like. I've heard terrible things about its functionality, and I s2g iTunes, if I have to reorganize my ENTIRE FUCKING LIBRARY/PLAYLISTS again, I will be really, REALLY unhappy.
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