Ugh, why is writing emails so hard and panic/anxiety-inducing?
Because like really, how does one politely go about asking professors what the fuck is going on with rec letters that I asked for months ago and still don't have? Because I feel like no matter what I do, I make the situation worse. I gave him a week or so after the deadline I asked for out of courtesy and not wanting to behave like I was hounding my motherfucking professor for something, but when I do finally bite the bullet and admit that I have to remind him about it, I feel like I shouldn't have let that much time pass in the first place.
This is the kind of shit that orientation programs should teach you. Or that professors should write outlines for, or some shit. Jesus, if and when I ever become one (a professor, that is), I'ma be so straightforward with my students about this kind of crap, because it is useless stress that nobody needs.
*deep breaths* Now to stare at my Gmail bookmark in horror for the next week and be too afraid to click on it to see if anyone has actually replied to me. (Because, oh wait, I'm also still waiting for Iceland to tell me if I'm even still accepted to their university).
Fuck students' lives, seriously.
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