9kumi Discord and Latest Band Socials!

Oct 28, 2023 12:00

Hello everyone,

I hope you're all doing well and that you were able to attend in person or online for their incredible, emotional finale at the beginning of last month. Just yesterday, all the members met up together for the first time in a while (that we know of) and it sounds like they had a great night together. If you're a NUMBER SIX. member, [ log in ] a check out the photo of them posted in the blog!

Now, here are the up-to-date socials for all members, in stage-order, including their solo and side projects, taken from the Alice9Lives fansite:

TORA ★ stage-left guitar
Band Social Media Accounts: Twitter .
DIAWOLF Accounts: Website | Twitter | YouTube | Facebook | Instagram | info@diawolf.com .
Vtuber Accounts: YouTube | Twitter .

Saga ★  bass
Band Social Media Accounts: Twitter | old Twitter .
VOLLAND GUMP Accounts: Soundcloud | Tunecore .

Shou ★  vocals
Band Social Media Accounts: Twitter | Instagram | old Twitter .
DIAWOLF Accounts: Website | Twitter | YouTube | Facebook | Instagram | info@diawolf.com .
ELIMINATE Apparel Accounts: Webstore | Twitter .
Verde/ Project Accounts: Twitter | YouTube .
Shishamo Social Media Account: Instagram .

Nao ★ drums
Band Social Media Accounts: Twitter | Ameblo | old Twitter .
Solo Project Accounts: TwitCasting Archive .

HIROTO ★ stage-right guitar
Band Social Media Accounts: Twitter | Instagram .
Solo Project Accounts: Website | Voicy | Official Line .
Mogu Social Media Account: Instagram .

Recently, I've been doing all updates and translations through Twitter ( 9kumiParade) out of convenience, and because that's where all the members are. However, I realize that not everyone uses Twitter (for all sorts of reasons) and that while it's great for posting quick updates it's not great for discussion or community-building.

So I created a Discord.

Alice9Lives Discord
[ invite link ]

Anyone who still happens to check back here, you're welcome to join!

I post current translations, band, solo, and side project news, as well as updates for the fansite Alice9Lives. Aside from those three little channels, there are tons more, where you can freely discuss whatever you want (including a spot for selling/trading goods, if interested) as long as it relates to ALICE NINE. Come hang out!

Recently, I put up a new section of the fansite dedicated to re-uploading the old ameba blog posts that we archived as a community back in 2014. Uh... finally. I'll be uploading about one month of posts (for all members) each month until volumes thin enough to do multiple months at once. If someone already translated an entry, I link to it at the bottom of the post in Japanese.

The ALICE NINE. Library
[ 図書館アリス九號.Library ]

October 2006 entries are up, with November 2006 entries to be posted soon!
We do have many of HIROTO's entries (thanks to alice9_diaries archiving them), but not all of them. If you saved the originals or know of someone else who did, please let me know :3

There are new lyric/interview translations up on Aice9Lives on the [ Songs ] page along with some oldschool content in the [ Discography ] section, so take a look if you like. I update these very slowly, but I try to be as thorough as possible.

Finally, if you have any interest, we're accepting fan interviews indefinitely, so take a look at the questions on the [ 9kumi Interview ] site and send answers in your preferred language with as much or as little detail as you like. We'd love to read your thoughts.

Take care, 9kumis... hope to see you on Discord!
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