VS Live Series, FC Trip, Alice99Challenge, and Fan Interviews, oh my!

Mar 12, 2023 19:27

Hello 9kumis, I come to you bearing announcements! You may already have seen these things on Twitter, but I'm going to aggregate it all here. On the first day of the tour (which has been a great success so far), they announced two events scheduled during the months of May and June 2023.

ALICE NINE. vs Series: Singularity 2

The members will be facing off against three fellow bands in the Visual Kei scene, in this follow-up event to their first Singularity event in 2017, with BAROQUE. This time, they'll be challenging lynch. on May 17th, vistlip on June 20 and then DEZERT on June 21st!

You can read a longer version of my spiel in [ THIS POST ].

Also, this is a very lame joke but I am me, so I must make it:

ALICE NINE. vs lynch.
The great dot battle of 2023

ba-dum tiss.

Ahem. Moving on.

Fanclub Trip 2023

Date: May 27th to May 28th 2023 (2 days, 1 night)
Location: Shirakaba Resort in Nagano Prefecture

If you'd like more details about how to apply, go [ HERE ] for the official application page in Japanese, and go [ HERE ] for my full rundown of the application period, costs, activities and other details on our fansite in English. The following is a basic list of the events on offer... for anyone who is able to go, it sounds like it'll be an amazing time!

A photo taken in a beautiful location with all the members
On this day only, a special acoustic set limited to one night
A group viewing of fireworks with the members (weather permitting)
Revival of a legendary project
The members visit your room. To give you a goodnight greeting and a present too…
A mini gallery display of past stage outfits, artwork, and the like
An offer of original cocktails
A send-off from the members
You will be able to take extra photos with the members for an extra fee until 14:00 JST
Original movie screening during the bus ride (only those that apply to travel via bus)


ALICE NINE. themselves (via HIROTO) are coordinating a project with us fans! In order to get the hashtag #アリス九號. trending as much as possible, they're asking that, whenever we're able, we tweet using the #アリス九號. hashtag (or retweet something with the band name hashtag) at 9:00 PM, JST, daily. Just one tweet or retweet when you're able is enough! Using this strategy of coordinated effort, we've managed to get trending two days in a row already; the goal is 99 days of being in the trends by September 3rd 2023. This is the year of 9! Trending helps get the band's name out there and you never know if someone might click on it out of pure curiosity or not! HIROTO has dubbed this... the Alice99Challenge!


全NS.全九組ちゃんが毎日同じ時刻(p.m.9:00)に #アリス九號 ってtweetしたら毎日トレンド入るんじゃ?❤️‍🔥👀(内緒)
- HIROTO ALICE NINE.ヒロト アリス九號. (@hrt_A9) March 10, 2023

( English translation)

Interviews with 9kumis

The first fan interview is up and open for everyone to read!

Pauline is a 9kumi from France who submitted the interview in English (with a bit of French) and who discovered the band by stumbling upon the VELVET PV. Curious? Click the link below to read more:

[ HELLO,Pauline ]

If you'd like to participate too, please answer whichever questions you like and email them in to us!

The interview is in the following languages currently:
[ English ]
[ Português ]
[ Español ]

Ce sera disponible en Français aussi eventuellement (si vous comprenez déjà les questions en anglais, vous pouvez nous envoyer vos réponses en français).

If you'd like to volunteer to set up and take charge of the interview in another language not listed here, please let me know. We'd love to get as many fans involved as possible.

Alright, that's all I've got to say.

Have an aliceniney day, everyone!


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