Expect Livestreaming from ALICE NINE.!

Feb 04, 2023 16:23

Hello 9kumis!

Despite the announcement that they will freeze their activities at the beginning of September 2023, ALICE NINE. have no intention of stepping off the stage quietly. They have a huge spring tour planned, more dates (locations yet to be announced) in the summer, and then the big finale in September. Show has assured us that there will be livestreaming for those who can't attend in person.

We also receive a lot of messages from overseas fans. thanks so much. We have been coordinating an overseas tour, but it is not possible to realize it immediately. We will be live streaming for you all. May this love reach everyone🌹
- SHOW ALICE NINE. (@SW_A9) February 4, 2023

Thanks for including us, ALICE NINE.!

We don't yet have any details on which live they might broadcast online, but I'll put the info up here (and of course be tweeting it via 9kumiParade) as soon as they let us know more. The borders are open in Japan, so it is definitely possible to plan a trip there and attend in person; if you have any questions, you can ask them here or on the 9kumiParade twitter and I'll do my best to answer.

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In the latest Official note, Show spoke some more about what prompted the activity freeze, what it means, and how they'll be treating the upcoming tour. If you're curious and can't read it firsthand, running the text through an online translator should give you a good gist of the interview. But to summarize one very important point: they want to make the tour so good and sound so damn cool that fans will be angry that they're putting a freeze on their activities when they've attained such excellence.

As sad as the news of an activity freeze may be, that mindset is something I support wholeheartedly. Do your name proud, ALICE NINE.! We love you, and we believe in you!

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That being said, here's what we know thus far about the tour:

LAST DANCE ACT.3「Graced The Beautiful Story」ep.2〝Farewell Flowers〟」

Spring Circuit - Standing Tour

■03/09 Spotify O-EAST
■03/12 Nagoya E.L.L.
■03/18 Sendai darwin
■03/19 Aomori Quarter
■03/21 Hakodate club COCOA
■03/24 Mito LIGHT HOUSE
■03/26 Kashiwa PALOOZA
■04/01 Kyoto FANJ
■04/02 Kobe Taiyou to Tora
■04/04 Takamatsu DIME
■04/06 Hiroshima SECOND CRUTCH
■04/08 Saga GEILS
■04/09 Kumamoto B.9 V-1
■04/15 Kanazawa AZ
■04/16 Nagano CLUB JUNK BOX
■04/21 Hamamatsu Madowaku

Summer Circuit - Locations Unknown

2023.07.01 XXXXXXXXX
2023.07.09 XXXXXXXXX
2023.07.15 XXXXXXXXX
2023.07.17 XXXXXXXXX
2023.07.22 XXXXXXXXX
2023.07.23 XXXXXXXXX

Finale - Location Unknown

2023.09.03 XXXXXXXXX

Other Band News

On February 22nd, ALICE NINE. will have a live report of their tour finale from this past December appearing in ROCK AND READ Volume 105.

Earlier this week, HAZUKI dropped a cool cover of LUNA SEA's ROSIER on his Youtube channel, for which HIROTO played lead guitar (this was the same cover their session band played during the "D'you know about V-kei?" fest they participated in at Budoukan at the end of December). Give it a listen below:

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After the cover dropped, HIROTO and HAZUKI teamed up on Voicy to discuss it. HIROTO kept the archive of their conversation up for anyone who'd like to listen in! The link is in the tweet below.


ヒロト ×HAZUKI(lynch.)【誰でも】 #アーカイヴ放送 - HIROTO.(アリス九號.)https://t.co/D21zQiKBuc #Voicy #LUNASEA #大人の本気 #カヴァー #アリス九號. #lynch.
- HIROTO ALICE NINE.ヒロト アリス九號. (@hrt_A9) February 4, 2023

Want more ALICE NINE. style LUNA SEA? Give Saga's thorough Dejavu cover another listen!

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Fansite Updates

I continue to add to the Alice9Lives fansite on the regular, and have started a new section of the site called [ Songs ] specifically to go in-depth with each song by providing composer info, lyrics (Original, romaji, and translations -- my English ones are hosted on-site, but I aim to link to all other known translations in every language available), any changes in wording for the lyrics over the years, different song arrangements, associated MVs, and facts (usually magazine/article snippets, tweets, video comments... etc). I'm adding pages for lyrics I've personally translated first, and then later will add pages for the rest of the songs.

I've put up three more partial magazine translations for interview sections specifically related to their songs. I'd like to return and complete the translations later, but for the moment am focusing on collecting song and release facts to complement the deep-dives.

Volume 13 : Band Interview (partial translation)
Volume 16 : Band Interview (partial translation)

2005.05 Volume 147 : Band Interview (partial translation)

If you'd like me to host your translation(s) on the fansite, would like me to link to your translation(s) or know of one or more translations I could link to, please let me know.

As always, follow the official accounts if you use Twitter, and along with Saga and Nao, Show and Hiroto have opened their DMs to fans, so send them your appreciation and encouragement if you like, or leave replies on their tweets (in any language). You can also, of course, follow Show and Hiroto on Instagram, as well as Tora on Youtube.

I'll be updating the official links on the sticky post too because they're out of date.

Take care, 9kumis!

#大人の本気, #カヴァー, #lunasea, #アーカイヴ放送, #アリス九號, #lynch

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