Phonetics, blech!

Feb 15, 2005 09:45

I don't hate phonetics. Really, I don't. But when they are taught in French... let's just say it's not always my cup of tea. Still,i'm expecting a fairly good grade at this exam. *crosses fingers*

Studying for it has delayed my Valentine fic. I'll remedy that his afternoon. It's Sandris/Corvino ("Raven's Flight").

Edit: I have also made a new index page for the Trading Card Games I'm in, and prettied up the old layouts a bit. Truth be told, I am quite happy with the result :) And no more white background for the Trading Academy, thank goodness. (My eyes! The white! It burns!!!!)

Something galynthia posted in her group last night caught my attention. I'm reposting it here for all to read, and hopefully pass along. And grr! I hate this type of person. Always have, always shall.

[/begin Delilah's post]

I don't know if any of you guys write fan-fics but many of you probably do and I figured that you might be interested in this link I saw posted on Cleolinda's livejournal site. Apparently some noob got a hold of people's fics and pictures and is selling them on cds without the artists' permission. You can check out the site at . I noticed that he's changed his links so that they are currently no longer working but I happen to have the old working ones (which he hasn't taken down yet) so you can check if your stuff's been yoinked.

Someone looked him up and his personal info is posted on this site if you find something that's yours.

[/end Delilah's post]

writing, computer, education, rants

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