Jan 05, 2010 15:14


Courtesy of tygati, who should receive a billion hugs and kisses!


Technically, I was supposed to pick him up tomorrow, because our customs office has a weird schedule like that. Practically, I rarely pick up things on Wednesday, because waiting one day more than necessary is not in my nature. Yes, I share that trait with other people in my town.

Anyway, since my mother had business downtown, I dragged her along to the customs office, because... why not? Luckily, it was not crowded at all; in fact, it was just the postal workers and customs officer, the one lady sending a package and us in there. So I picked up the package, opened it, and squeeing happened. Yes, I did get some weird looks from everyone. No, I did not care. Because he is beautiful and perfect and YAY!

Since I had to unwrap this in customs, I re-taped the box shut for a proper opening photo session. The bed is mine. XD

It came with a card...

... and proper bundling-up.

tygati's wrapping skills can compete with my own, but for the sake of saving time I did not try to duplicate the original taping of that bubble wrap.

Same thing applies to the wrapping paper.

Doll head made of gorgeous love! tygati said he reminds her of Ignis, and I have to agree. XD (I'd still like to know what brand he is, though...) Mystery solved: customized FantasyDoll Tobias head!

My mother agrees he is lovely, and crossed herself when she heard what prices resin dolls go for. I wisely did not tell her I plan on acquiring such dolls at some point in the future. (And the head now needs a wig and a body, y/y?)

Close-ups of the amazing face-up tygati gave him and the pattern of his irises (click to enlarge and therefore see it properly).

Profile to showcase the pointy ears that tygati also added *nibbles*, lovely nose and pouty lips. <3

I now need dollshe icons. *goes off in search of photos*

dolls, special occasions

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