
Feb 05, 2008 14:51

From various people, but alighiera in particular...

List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.

1. I was once a History Major. Then I realized I couldn't do much in Romania with a History degree, so I switched to Applied Modern Languages. Because translating is fun (and pays extremely well).

2. English is (and will probably always be) my first love - no man or woman can compare to it. And in the series of English quirks I have, I try my best to use British English. While I don't quite have the accent down yet, I've been doing the spelling for a while. XD

3. Yes, I can be weird at times - do you even need to ask?

4. While nature does have a hand in it as well, I suspect my being overweight is also due to my love for chocolate. I adore chocolate, in most forms and shapes. The darker the yummier!

5. I am a closet romantic. Therefore, while I didn't cry at Titanic (though, thinking back, it was a near thing), I did cry when watching City of Angels. That one still manages to make me emo.

6. Making friends is a bit difficult for me, because I rarely allow myself to trust people. But those I do make tend to be for life, and I'd go through fire for them.

7. I am not comfortable using other people's computers and/or cyber café computers. I like having my settings and my programs which I have used before and am comfortable with. I also have the feeling that using another computer will result in an invasion of my privacy. So emptying histories and cookies is common practice for me if I am forced to use a machine other than computer!Gerald. *snuggles him*


And from fyrie... if you have the time, please fill this in, especially if I don't know you all that well? I've adapted it a bit, and you can of course skip some questions if you don't feel like answering.

1. Name/Screen name:
2. Birthday:
3. Where do you live:
4: What are you studying/What are you working as:
5. What makes you happy:
6. What are you listening to now/have listened to last:
7. What is particularly good/bad about my LJ:
8. An interesting fact about you:
9. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment:
10. Favourite place to be:
11. Favourite lyric:
12. Best time of the year:
13. Weirdest food you like:

1. A film:
2. A book:
3. A song:
4: A band:

FANDOM (if any)
1a. Favorite Fandom:
1b. Favourite Original Fic:
2. OTP/OT3:
3. Icon/Fic Journal:

1. One thing you like about me:
2. Two things you like about yourself:
3. Put this in your lj so I can tell you what I think of you.


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