(no subject)

May 19, 2007 12:42

alighiera wanted tied up Owen, and for some reason I actually managed to write this one. Plus, it was fun. Obviously het, but it's a harmless piece so I hope all you SBA fans will enjoy it! *g*


"I told you that the next time you would do something stupid, I was going to tie you up," Tempesta Neri-Lokh declared, holding a silk cord for Owen to see.

The young lieutenant paled visibly. "I didn't think you'd meant it."

Tempesta's smile seemed an accurate copy of the one normally gracing Ignis' lips when he was up to no good. In fact, it looked like the one Owen had been given earlier that day when Ignis had suggested they should climb the Sanctuary's spire in order to reach this little nook that would allow them to spy on the High Priest's private chambers. A plan which, Owen was proud to say, had been implemented immediately. Ignis knew how to present his schemes in such a way it was difficult not to go along with him, and if that failed... well, as Prince of Demonis, he could always order people to do it.

Plus, it had been fun. Stupid, but fun.

Of course, the Captain of the Prince of Demonis' Personal Guard and the Supreme Commander of Demonis had not found it so. So Ignis was now getting the glary, silent treatment from Rasya, and as for Owen...

He gulped as Tempesta stepped closer, ropes dangling from a very elegant hand.

Well, he was not exactly much better off.

He took a few steps back, tripped over the edge of the bed, and found himself looking up at his now-smirking lover.

"Right where I wanted you," she declared. "Now strip."

Owen stared. She stared back.

No man would dare oppose a pissed-off Tempesta, if said man wanted to keep sharing her bed. Owen let out a couple of obscene curses about the nobility... while he took off his clothes. He noted that the only item she took off was her tunic.

She pushed him back on the bed - he had quickly learned that her slender, petite form was oh-so-deceptive - and straddled him, then pinned his arms up and secured them to one of the bed posts. While she was still leaning over him, he noted with growing apprehension that the top laces of her shirt had come undone, and the offered view didn't do his breathing much good.

"Now then," she declared, leaning back up and lovingly petting one of Owen's wings, "let us see what you can do to make up for scaring me to death, shall we?"


writing, shielded in broken armours, originals, drabbles

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