exams, exams...

Jan 21, 2004 11:01

I know I shouldn't complain, BUT...
Well, I'm one hour away from one of the toughest exams ever... or not really, but it's a hard one anyway. Why do we have to study linguistics in French? Can't we study them in English or Romanian, like any normal person?

On the bright side, after this one there'll be just two hard exams left, and I can do more writing.

As for those promised chapters... they're comming, I just want to have another good look at them before unelashing them on the unsuspecting world.

They are, in this order:
- At World's End (last chapter & epilogue)
- The Land Where Dagons Rule chater 4
- Shielded in Broken Armours chapter 19
- Loved in Darkness (that is to say, the untitled Halloween ficlet I started writing but never finished; the title is still provisory)
... and afterwards we'll see!

I also have a gallery update, since I stumbled on this perfect Lucifer lookalike.

rl, writing list, rants

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