As seen by Ruska!

May 14, 2006 21:30

1. Copy & paste your friends list here
2. Leave just the primary journal of each friend on the list
3. Everyone you´ve met in "real life" should be in bold letters
4. Mark every such person with *stars* with whom you´ve SMS´d
5. Everyone with whom you´ve talked in the phone should be italicized
6. Underline everyone with whom you´ve had a conversation over the net (e-mail, irc and MSN count, mere LJ or irc-gallery comments won´t)
7. The ones you´ve known online or offline for longer than four years should be hidden within [these]
8. Family members in blue
9. persons you hope to meet this year for the first time :) in red
[_r_e_q_u_i_e_m_], aboutolga, abraxas, an_su, [araglin], [blutsj,] bobbi_, breyten, caniche, carlinos, dollyrockmuse, [drindod,] dunesza, dutchgirl, dwaallichtje, efasemdarmaour, emilytje, eresh_cloudy, evalien, faile7, free_spirit_gal, gentle_dream, goddessofchaos, [grammaticameid], ha11ucigenia, hannas_journal, [iisolde], [ilariatari,] iljaja, ingiechan, irrimiri, iseehl, ishtar, jademondin, kittydekoe, kruimel, [lil_octopie], lobolita, lonna, [lunalunetta,] marnix, mifke, momomoogie, moonwhisper, [myotismond,] napj, nenko, nua_rua, nycgirl1998, [nymphaion], onurb_zaq, [repaleinen], robynjessica, [ruttana], something_vague, sterra, [sturnusvulgaris], sushineko, talsha, [tiitta], toodlepip_, torllan, von_rudolf
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