week 21 "seasons" [submission]

Jun 15, 2008 21:15

So so so sorry for the lateness. The weather's been crazy in our area, and both kyoy and I have been hit with the virus. I think she's worse off than I am (bedridden, or house-ridden, at the very least ;_;), hence the lateness of the voting post. But inspired by the weather conditions ...

WEEK 21: Seasons

Icons submitted this week must explicitly portray a particular season - winter, spring, summer or fall (all you have to do is call). Any Gakuen Alice-related subject is welcome!

How to Submit:


url: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/seikochan/alice_icontest/gaicon.jpg
[optional] additional notes: Credits for the icon (highly encouraged!), explanation of how you interpreted the theme if you feel it's not too obvious, or anything else you need to say.

♥ icons must be of official Gakuen Alice art - anime, manga and game art are acceptable, while fanart and cosplay are not
♥ each member may submit up to two icons, each no more than 100x100 pixels and 40 KB in size
♥ icons must be made fresh for the challenge, and may not be displayed anywhere else until the challenge is over
♥ entries must be submitted on or before June 21, 2008 at 10:00 PM (GMT + 8:00)
♥ need bases? check out the compendium over at our community profile
♥ questions? ask them here!

submit, week 21

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