week 19 "hush" [submission]

May 31, 2008 21:54

WEEK 19: Hush

In contrast to our previous theme, the submissions for this week must not contain any text. This also includes tiny text and other similar text accents. The subject matter is up to you - so long as it is Gakuen Alice-related, it's more than welcome!

How to Submit:


url: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/seikochan/alice_icontest/gaicon.jpg
[optional] additional notes: Credits for the icon (highly encouraged!), explanation of how you interpreted the theme if you feel it's not too obvious, or anything else you need to say.

♥ icons must be of official Gakuen Alice art - anime, manga and game art are acceptable, while fanart and cosplay are not
♥ each member may submit up to two icons, each no more than 100x100 pixels and 40 KB in size
♥ icons must be made fresh for the challenge, and may not be displayed anywhere else until the challenge is over
♥ entries must be submitted on or before June 7, 2008 at 10:00 PM (GMT + 8:00)
♥ need bases? check out the compendium over at our community profile
♥ questions? ask them here!

Voting for Week 18 should be up very soon!

submit, week 19

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