So, I read recently that increased video game playing and increased use of social networking sites is an indication of depression. I don't know about that, because the fantasy of a video game will help stop that vicious cycle of constantly thinking of what's bothering you, and gives you a set of goals to work towards. And, you keep getting chances if you fail, not like in real life.
So, the last couple of years I just kind of dabbled in games. I had my Super Nintendo from soooo many years ago that I played to death, and spent so many nights in the arcade. But, the last many years I didn't do much game playing at all.
But, recently, I've really gotten into getting lost in a game. Steam tracks my game usage... seems I'm racking up at least 20 hours a week, probably more. And, I've just gotten more games than I can play right now. XD A lot of them are old, but "new" to me.
Portal and Portal 2... I've never played them all the way through. Finally did it all, and then replayed a couple of times to get achievements.
COD: MW and MW2... I replayed MW, then MW2 a couple of times to try to get achievements. I also recently got MW3, but haven't played much. And, I don't really care for multiplayer on any game.
Mirror's Edge: I've played through a couple of times on the PS3, but recently got it on Steam sale very cheap, so I played it through a couple more. This game sold me on PC gaming rather than console, since I'd played both extensively. I originally had MW on the PS3, but it really took me a while to master wasd, and now that I have I like it.
Mass Effect: Finally played this through, and now have Mass Effect 2 that I'm working on.
Left 4 Dead 2: I got this game on super cheap Steam sale because someone promised to play with me, but then never did. So, I got it for the buds for their birthdays and we all play together. It's a lot of fun playing with the boys.
Crysis: I got all 4 on Steam super saver.. I've played almost all the way through. I REALLY like this game. It's taking me a long time to play it, but it's challenging. And, of course I still have the others to play.
Battlefield 3: Well, I went against instinct and got this game because same one who didn't play L4D2 with me, probably won't play this one either... We'll see... played a few minutes on campaign and it seems like fun.
I should have bought Skyrim instead of BF3, but, oh well. It's on steam special right now, too... but I've blown all my discretionary income on the others lately. xD