Dec 12, 2008 18:28
there doesn't seem to be anything for me anywhere...not in chico, not in oakland, not in college, and there was nothing in high school either.
while i've thought for a while that there was something missing in my life i had assumed it to be a girlfriend or something. i have now come to the realization that what's missing is in fact much more.
my only purpose in life is to be happy. my entire life is just the pursuit of that happiness. yet, what do i have to be happy about? academia is and has always been a source of sorrow, friends are always quick to leave or use you and as such cannot be trusted, family seems to be a source of judgment and conformism...
i have nowhere left to go.
only thing to do is live my life. live for tomorrow. until i somehow die, alone.
perhaps this is what's called the Stand Alone Syndrome? I'm tired of it. i want nothing yet need everything.
freedom must beat the kingdom.