2009-11-06 ??:??:??
Thank you very much for your precious feed-backs the other day!!!
I got answers from several people within such a short time.
We'll take in account those precious feed-backs and create something even better!!!!!
that was yesterday's photoshoot for the pamphlet.
A flower designer,
Nounen Takaaki, the director of MADDERLAKE, created this so we could use it on the set for that day!!
Real, living flowers, and of course their scent too, are lovely, and even though the photoshoot was quite long, every time I smelled their fragrance,
it gave me strenght.
Of course, flowers seem to have this mysterious power, if only by their language★
But since they're real flowers, it couldn't be helped that they would change with time, and so it was a rather straining photoshoot.
Yesterday's photoshoot, and the collaboration with Nounen Takaaki-san, was pretty refreshing as well as motivating, and I think it will turn out to be something nice☆
Even I can't wait to see the finished product.1
there were flowers in my hait.
Human arrangement (laugh)
The costumes felt great too!!!
Thanks Hissie!!! (Hishinuma-shi)
And good job to the designers!!!
And thank you very much to Kyoshou Miyawaki-san.
And I'm grateful to all our staff too.
NOTE: Nounen-san made a post on his blog about the gorgeous flowers he created for Alice Nine. There are some pictures of the members in their new White Period costumes, so check it out here:
http://ameblo.jp/madderlake/entry-10388582831.html Also, the flower arrangement is currently displayed on the homepage of MADDER LAKE:
http://www.madderlake.co.jp/ 1 I'm pretty sure Hiroto made a mistake here. He wrote 僕自信 (pronounced: jishin; meaning: I confidence) instead of 僕自身 (pronounced: jishin; meaning: I myself).